2 Months

COURSE FEE : 16000
Sales Training

Best Sales Force Training Course Jaipur: Boost Your Sales Now!

Sales Training

  • Be An Expert Sales Professional with  Bharat's Best Institute and Trainer

     “Selling Is The Professional Way To Experience and Explore the Deep Essence of Life.”    Saurabh Jain
    With one click, you can be an Expert Sales Professional. Bharat's best self-grooming classes are one click away.  But, unfortunately, a lot of times, when we say later, it becomes never. We should never postpone our good plans. Good plans are golden opportunities; you will regret them later if you do not grab them.
    Want to Be An “Expert Sales Professional.” - Join Pragya's Excellence in Sales Training Program.
    Here you will learn Relationship Management, Strategic Planning and Execution, Customer-Centric Approach, Ways to Convert Sales Challenges into Opportunities, Negotiation Skills, Consumer behaviour, Segmentation and Targeting, and Basic to Advanced Skills required to be an Expert Sales Professional according to the needs of the 21st century.

    All those impossible things are now possible; It’s like dreams come true - Let’s celebrate you will be an “Expert Sales Professional.”

    “We do not produce freshers; we do not produce professionals; We produce passionate professionals.”
    "जिसको बेस्ट बनना है - वो बेस्ट को ही चुनता है"
    World-class curriculum, world-class trainer, world-class training methodology, and world-class infrastructure.
    Bharat's first and best comprehensive personality development and life skill management institute.
    Known as
    "Kingdom of Wisdom”
    “Excellence की पाठशाला "
    We have initiated a movement towards creating legends
    Rajasthan's first soft skill training institute affiliated and approved by Rajasthan Skill University.
    Unleash your sales potential and skyrocket your success with Pragya Institute's comprehensive sales training guide. Whether you're a seasoned sales professional looking to brush up on your skills or a beginner eager to learn the ropes, this resource will equip you with the knowledge and techniques to master the art of selling. At Pragya Institute, we believe that sales are both an art and a science, and our training program reflects this philosophy. Through a blend of theoretical concepts, practical exercises, and real-life case studies, our experienced trainers will guide you through every sales process step. Our comprehensive curriculum covers everything from prospecting and building relationships to closing deals and overcoming objections. Our unique approach goes beyond traditional sales training methods. We focus on understanding buyer psychology, effective communication, and building long-term customer relationships. By learning to connect with your prospects and understand their needs truly, you'll be able to close more deals and achieve greater sales success. Don't settle for average sales results any longer. Join Pragya Institute's sales training program and unlock your full potential in the world of sales. Start your journey towards sales mastery today!
  • Why is the Demand For Expert Sales Professionals So High?

    A good number of studies have proven that sales training has a significant impact on the sales performance of sales executives. Moreover, these studies reveal the fact sales training reduces the attrition rate(Employee Turnover)
    The product-based sales training market is expected to grow at a CAGR of 11.74% during 2019-2024. As a result, the product-based sales training market size can grow by $ 4.21 billion during 2020-2024. The market’s growth momentum will accelerate during the forecast period because of the steady increase in year-over-year growth.
    Several agencies confirm that Sales Training will be a highly demanding profession. Bharta is a big consumer market, and MNCs are trying to establish their market in Bharat. They need skilled Sales Executives and Sales Trainers. Existing organisations need to strengthen their sales team.

    We are living in a dynamic and customer-oriented world. Have you ever seen so many new products launched in the market? Have you ever experienced companies throwing money on advertisements like this? Social Media is full of promotion, Print Media, Electronic Media, Display Advertisement, Outdoor Advertisement, Paid Search Advertising, Native Advertising, etc. Now the question is why companies are spending that huge amount on advertisements.  Forget about companies; a person operating a tiny business is also looking for an advertisement.
  • Why does everybody need advertisements?

    The answer is quite simple to increase their sales or business growth, but there is a further question, is only advertisement enough to increase sales? The answer is No. Then what is required to increase sales?

    Business Growth = High Sales Figures = Efficient Sales Team = Skillful and Willful Sales Team.
  • A few Common Mistakes At The Organization Part:

    Do not value and appreciate their sales team. They are the backbone of any organisation, but they must be treated better by the organisation and society. Building confidence makes them feel proud of their job.

    Hire unskilled employees for sales because they look at the sales profession from a societal perspective, not a business perspective. Many times, companies make that mistake. They hire good talent at the top, but the field team could be more effective. At the same time, provide skill enhancement training to top management rather than to the field force. The person in the field is the actual image of the organisation, so companies must conduct an effective sales training program regularly. Hiring unskilled or not building skills into them is an even more costly affair. A blunt axe takes more time and energy to cut the tree, but a sharp axe can perform the same job efficiently.

    Consider them as a jack of all trades - a lot of administrative work - We strongly recommend HR, Production, Marketing, and other domains also work in the field and must understand the sales process to facilitate their sales team more effectively.

    We have a good quality product, so a quality sales executive is optional.
    Modern Customer and Conventional Approach - Still following the conventional method of selling while the customer has become modern
    Selling was the “Art of Selling,” but Now it’s the Art, Science, and Commerce of Selling- Unable to switch the approach. Traditionally selling was art, but now in the digital world, selling involves science and commerce. Customers do a good amount of research before reaching you and make up their mindset during their research. Science and Commerce do not replace the art of selling but leverage it.

    Unable to optimise resources or unable to use sales tools and technologies for their business
    Don’t believe in employees' learning and development program
    Either unable to generate leads or unable to convert them into business - 79% of leads do not convert into the sells
  • Few Common Challenges Faced By Organizations:

    1. Good staff does not want to join the sales profession due to social stigma and targets etc. - Demand is high, but supply needs to be increased.
    2. The sales team is lagging in converting a lead into sales because the customer gives little time.
    3. The sales team is lagging in - confidence while meeting/ calling a prospect
    4. The sales team is lagging in the - Solution-focused approach
    5. Sales team lagging in energy and enthusiasm - A sales executive with spirit is a clerk
    6. Sales team lagging in product knowledge
    7. The sales team is lagging in identifying customer need
    8. Sales team lagging in communication skill
    9. Sales team lagging in conviction in their product and organisation
    10. Sales team is lagging in building a long-lasting relationship with the customer
    11. Sales team is lagging in building credibility and loyalty with customer
    12. Sales team is lagging in switching their style according to consumer behaviour
    13. Sales team lagging in differentiating between prospect and suspect
    14. Sales team is lagging in Execution
    15. Sales team lagging in Objection handling and negotiation
    16. Sales team lagging in selling against the competition
  • Why do Companies fail to take a competitive advantage when they have a better product?

    There are such challenges faced by the organisations and mistakes made by the organisation. You Can Solve All These Problems Because You Are?????    Here is a list of a few More Reasons Why To Be An Expert Sales Professional  Universal Skill of Billionaire: One primary skill of each billionaire is selling, not innovation. Billionaires only invented a few products but purchased products from the parent company and could sell them. Like Patanjali - Hardly anything is invented by Patanjali, but they could market Ayurveda.   Never Fall Short: Till the End of Planet - Selling will be there. The highest career opportunities in the selling domain  Need of Everyone: Irrespective of the profession - selling is one ordinary skill that everyone is required, whether you are a business tycoon, professional, political leader, and religious guru  Most Demanding: Maximum number of vacancies exist in the sales profession. Salary is also very handsome, but one must be productive. You will be the most demanding if you can directly contribute to business growth.  Master of Number Game: It may sound complicated; for 29 days, organisations talk about the process, but on day 30th, they talk about the numbers and nothing terrible in this  “जितना बडा खरीदना चाहते हो उतना बडा बेचना सीखो “  “Legends are Ace of Selling”
    There are such challenges faced by the organisations and mistakes made by the organisation.
    You Can Solve All These Problems Because You Are?????

    Here is a list of a few More Reasons Why To Be An Expert Sales Professional

    1. Universal Skill of Billionaire: One primary skill of each billionaire is selling, not innovation. Billionaires only invented a few products but purchased products from the parent company and could sell them. Like Patanjali - Hardly anything is invented by Patanjali, but they could market Ayurveda. 

    2. Never Fall Short: Till the End of Planet - Selling will be there. The highest career opportunities in the selling domain

    3. Need of Everyone: Irrespective of the profession - selling is one ordinary skill that everyone is required, whether you are a business tycoon, professional, political leader, and religious guru

    4. Most Demanding: Maximum number of vacancies exist in the sales profession. Salary is also very handsome, but one must be productive. You will be the most demanding if you can directly contribute to business growth.

    5. Master of Number Game: It may sound complicated; for 29 days, organisations talk about the process, but on day 30th, they talk about the numbers and nothing terrible in this

    “जितना बडा खरीदना चाहते हो उतना बडा बेचना सीखो “

    “Legends are Ace of Selling”

  • Why have we come up with professional courses?

  • Gap Between Global Standards and Bharat’s Professional Courses: 

    As mentioned above, globally professional courses have a specific advantage, but due to various factors, except for a few good institutions, all others are far away from the global standards.
    B-Schools (Business Schools) focus more on placement than building excellence, or B schools behave like placement agencies. We are entirely focused on skill development.
  • Highly Expensive: 

    Bharat is a very diversified country where everybody cannot pay the fee in lakhs. Our courses are highly cost-effective and equally or more efficient (In terms of acquiring practical knowledge and experience), so it’s a significant relief for the people who can not afford these expensive courses.
  • Refine Curriculum: 

    We extracted (Only Practical Aspects) of various professional courses + Further modifications according to the need of the hour, and made them more practical + Added many Pragya Institute special spices = Recipe of Professional courses. It reduces the duration of the course, so Effective Course - Effective Cost - Effective Time Management.
  • Updated Curriculum: 

    Books and Courses at the College and University level must be regularly updated; faculties are bound to teach outdated topics. Many times curriculum needs to be updated for the last many years. We update our courses regularly.
  • Short Duration: 

    Converted long courses into short courses. For example, if somebody is only interested in learning sales, so need not learn Production, Finance, Accounts, etc. Here they will learn sales, sales, and only sales.
  • Experience: 

    For Example, Faculties who are teaching about Entrepreneurship, Startup, Sales, etc., have never been an entrepreneur or started a startup or have zero experience in selling, but Our faculty is highly experienced in their training domain
  • 1:1 Focus: 

    Professional courses need one on one focus, but in colleges and universities, one class = 40, 50, or more students; here at Pragya Institute, We only take 10 to 15 Students in one batch

    To Provide the Most Updated, Most Refined - Curriculum, 100% Practical Methodology, Best Faculty, One on One Focus, Short Duration Courses, Focus on Skill Development, and Cost-Effectiveness - We have initiated - Pragya’s Elite Series of Professional Courses.
  • To Provide the Most Updated, Most Refined - Curriculum, 100% Practical Methodology, Best Faculty, one-on-one focus, Short Duration Courses, Focus on Skill Development, and Cost-Effectiveness - We have initiated - Pragya’s Elite Series of Professional Courses. 

    Our Process of Sales Training We follow a 360-degree approach to develop “Expert Sales Professionals.” We have divided our course into two parts - A. Generating High Will and B. Generating High Skills. Note: Our sales management training Programme is a very comprehensive course, but we customised it according to the needs of participants and the organisation.
  • A. Step 1.

    Generate high will – A salesperson minus enthusiasm means another clerk
  • 1.   
    Resolve concern
  • 2.   
    Change their negative belief
  • 3.   
    Build collaboration among team members
  • 4.   
    Building a self-motivated team 
  • 5.   
    Conviction about the company and product
  • B. Step 2.

    Generate high skill
  • 1.   
    Strategic Planning and Execution
  • 2.   
    Decision making
  • 3.   
    Segmentation and targeting
  • 4.   
    Consumer behaviour
  • 5.   
    Communication skill
  • 6.   
    How to make a compelling call
  • 7.   
    How to get the result in every call
  • 8.   
    Most effective characteristics of a sales executive 
  • 9.   
    How to win customer
  • 10. 
    Sales and Marketing strategy model
  • 11. 
    Build a robust market intelligence 
  • 12. 
    How to build territory to territory customised strategy 
  • 13.
    Relationship Building
  • 14.
    Customer Acquisition and Retention
  • 15.
    Negotiation Skill
  • And Much More

  • If you are searching for the most comprehensive Certified Sales Training Course in Jaipur, look no further than Pragya Institute of Personality Development & Life Skill Management. Under the mentorship of highly experienced trainer Mr Saurabh Jain, we offer the city's best Certified Sales Training Course.

    At Pragya Institute, we take pride in being known as Excellence की पाठशाला, Kingdom of Wisdom, and 360 Degree Growth Academy. We are an ISO-certified institute and have been awarded 200+ eminent titles. Global media has covered our exemplary work in soft skills, life skills, personality development, and digital marketing as news headlines.

    What sets us apart from others is our world-class comprehensive curriculum. We cover A to Z of Certified Sales Training Courses. This curriculum is crafted under the supervision and guidance of the world's best trainers. Our approach is 100% practical, where implementation is our religion.

  • Our program stands out for the following reasons:

  • Our program covers all aspects of Certified Sales Training Courses, from effective sales and presentation skills to networking. We provide a comprehensive curriculum that ensures you develop the necessary skills and knowledge to excel as a radiant personality. Our curriculum is entirely research-based.

  • We believe in the power of implementation. Our courses focus on practical learning, allowing students to apply the concepts they learn in real-life situations. This hands-on approach ensures effective skill development and long-term retention. Our Methodology is an excellent blend of Science and Psychology. This hands-on approach enables you to develop the confidence and competence required to deliver the best.

  • As part of our program, we provide exclusive worksheets and activities related to each topic. These resources help you reinforce your learning, practice your skills, and deepen your understanding of the concepts taught during the course. This hands-on approach ensures you can immediately apply what you learned in your training sessions.

  • Mr. Saurabh Jain, a highly experienced and renowned Sales Training mentor, leads our Sales Training course. With his expertise and intellectual brilliance, you can be assured of receiving top-notch guidance and training. Mr. Saurabh Jain. The instructor of the Sales Training Course Harnessing the intellectual brilliance of the nine-world record. He is undoubtedly the world's best Mentor for Sales Training courses. Students and professionals are benefited from his expertise and extensive experience in the field. 

    Mr Saurabh Jain is the founder of the Jaipur Learning Festival "Learning & Motivation का महाकुम्भ" In this event, Mr Saurabh Jain delivered a 24-hour non-stop (no water, no bio break, without the help of notes) speech. He presented his speech in the presence of more than 15,000 prominent audiences. 200+ national & international media houses published his success story.

    Mr Saurabh Jain is also the founder of the "Kingdom of Wisdom."
    Mr Saurabh Jain, Founder of Pragya Group of Institutions

    🔶 Soft Skill Trainer: Mr Saurabh Jain has upskilled over 10,000 students, business leaders & business owners. He is a faculty for prestigious institutes like ICAI/ ICSI/ ICMAI. He takes sessions on more than 350+ topics.

    🔶 Personal Growth Trainer/Self-Help Speaker: Everyone wishes to build their career, but what about growing as a person? Saurabh Jain took more than 250 sessions on personal growth—an exemplary contribution to eternal transformation. Saurabh Jain is a great counsellor; he understands people's real-life problems and has a solution-focused mindset. These qualities make him the best self-help speaker.

    🔶 Corporate Trainer: Mr Saurabh Jain has imparted his learnings with 50+ National, Multinational and Public Sector Organisations. He has been serving for more than 19 years. He has practical experience handling sales operations for more than 16+ years. Start from Sales Executive to Director of Sales and Marketing. He incorporated 500+ games & activities in his sessions. Ensure transformation & business growth.

    🔶 Life Skill Mentor: Saurabh Jain is a person who leads by example. As of now, he has addressed more than 20,000 audiences and facilitated them to transform their lives. His observations are meticulous.

    🔶 Train the Trainer: Saurabh Jain believes in building a future that can be done by developing future trainers. He helped more than 100 people in becoming future trainers.

  • Pragya Institute provides a world-class learning environment with the latest training facilities. Our institute adheres to international standards, ensuring you receive a seamless and immersive learning experience from Classroom to cutting edge. Technology in Training: In today's digital age, EVERYONE must be familiar with various tools and technologies to enhance training delivery. We cover multimedia, online platforms, and other technologies to create interactive and engaging training experiences. Students can expect a comfortable and conducive atmosphere for their growth journey.


  • Ongoing support and customer Delight: Our commitment to your success continues after the course. We provide ongoing support and follow-up sessions to ensure continuous implementation. 4150+ customers, 5-star ratings, and excellent reviews demonstrate our commitment to Excellence.

  • We maintain small batch sizes to ensure personalized attention and complete handholding for every student. This one-on-one focus allows a deeper understanding of individual strengths and weaknesses, leading to customized skill development.
    We understand the importance of individual attention and personalized guidance. That's why we maintain small batch sizes, allowing us to focus on each student and provide complete handholding to those who need it. You can be confident that you will receive the attention and support you need to succeed.

  • Our courses focus on the root causes behind various challenges and provide sustainable solutions. We help students understand the cause-and-effect equation to address issues at their core, leading to long-lasting personal growth and development. This approach ensures that the improvements you make are long-lasting and have a lasting impact on your training effectiveness.

  • Breaking the Mold of Traditional Education: Pragya Institute's Constant Review Drives Exceptional Learning Outcomes

  • At Pragya Institute, we not only focus on professional development but also celebrate life. We believe that personal growth and happiness are essential for overall success. Our program encourages self-discovery, confidence-building, and personal empowerment, enabling you to excel in your training career and live a fulfilling and joyful life. Pragya Award Night - A Night of Success: Honoring Excellence with Certificates at the Pragya Award Ceremony

  • From Classroom to Career: Pragya Institute's Placement Support Helps Our Students Land Their Dream Job/ Business

    Don't miss the opportunity to transform your life and unlock your true potential. Join Pragya Institute of Personality Development today! Let us help you become a passionate professional and stand out. If you want to master your soft skills and stand out from the crowd, there's no better choice than the Pragya Institute of Personality Development. 

    We don't just produce freshers or professionals; we produce passionate professionals.
    Remember, "जिसको बेस्ट बनना है, वो बेस्ट को ही चुनता है" (Those who want to be the best, choose the best).

    By choosing the Pragya Institute of Personality Development for your Sales Training Course, you decide to transform your personal & professional growth. Our program will equip you with the skills, knowledge, and confidence to excel as a Certified Sales Trainer. Don't miss this opportunity to enhance your sales skills and the best version of yourself. Enrol now and take the first step towards becoming the best in your field.

  • What is the lock-in period?

    As a fair business practice, the Pragya Institute of Personality Development offers a lock-in period. The lock-in period is a facility for the students, if due to some emergency and unavoidable reasons, any student takes a minimum of 5 days’ leave then the duration of the course will be extended.

    T & C for Lock-in Period:

    1. A written request must be given with a clearly mentioned number of days and reason, and this is also subject to approval.
    2. If anybody extends their leave, they need to get further approval.
    3. Only 1 Lock-in period is allowed (For 3 Months Course)
    4. Without approval, leaves will not be considered as a Lock-in period.
    5. The lock-in period is valid for Six Months only from the date of joining. i.e. If someone joins on 1/1/2023 S/He must complete his/ her 3-month course before 31/6/2023 otherwise automatically validity will lapse.

    Applicable from immediate effect for all past, present, and future students

  • It is not a matter whether we use the product, but after watching an advertisement or based on our knowledge about the product or service, we still recommend it to our peers. The question will remain the same. What do we get? The answer will remain the same “Nothing”, but you will get a handsome amount of money if you recommend the Pragya Institute of Personality Development. 

    We offer top refer and earn policies to help you reap the most benefits, from cash rewards to exclusive discounts and free products.

  • Here is the eligibility criteria for the money back guarantee:-

    1) Attendance:- He/she should have at least 95% of attendance.

    2) Assignment completion:- He/she should complete at least 95% of His/her assignments.

    3) Constant Feedback reviewing mechanism:- He/she should improvise on all the constructive feedback given to them and improve them.

    If someone who follows all these three points and yet feels unsatisfied with his/her personal growth, We will hold full accountability and assure a 100% Money back Guarantee.

    Conclusion: Through Self-Improvement and Personal Development, Embrace the Journey of Personal Growth: World-Class Curriculum, Training Methodology, Trainer, Infrastructure and Learning Environment at the Most Affordable Price. 

Post your queries here, We will get back to you as soon as possible.