12 Sundays

COURSE FEE : 12000
Sunday Skill Development Program

Sunday Skill Development Course: Take Career to Next Level

Sunday Skill Development Program

  • Groom Your Personality with  Bharat's Best Institute and Trainer

    “Your Personality Will Define Magnitude And Altitude of Your Success.” Saurabh Jain

    You can transform your life with one click. Bharat's best self-grooming classes are one click away. We should never postpone our good plans. Good plans are golden opportunities; you will regret them later if you don't grab them.
    Want to become an extraordinary personality and look for exceptional or unstoppable growth? Here is the course - You cannot afford to say "No." – You will learn "A to Z" of personality development.

     All those things that seemed impossible are now possible. It’s like dreams come true - Let’s celebrate. Now you are going to be a Charismatic Personality.
     “We Do Not Produce Freshers; We Do Not Produce Professionals; We Produce Passionate Professionals.”
    "जिसको बेस्ट बनना है - वो बेस्ट को ही चुनता है"
    World-class Curriculum, World-class Trainer, World-class Training Methodology, And World-class Infrastructure.
    Bharat's First And Best Comprehensive Personality Development And Life Skill Management Institute.
     Known As
    "Kingdom Of Wisdom”
    “Excellence की पाठशाला "
     We Have Initiated A Movement Towards Creating Legends
    Rajasthan's First Soft Skill Training Institute Affiliated And Approved By Rajasthan Ild Skill University.
  • Get Ahead on Sundays: Exploring the Top Skill Development Courses in Jaipur

    Make the most of your Sundays by upgrading your skillset with Pragya Institute's finest soft skill and personality development courses. Whether you're looking to boost your confidence, delve into the world of public speaking, or master the art of communication, The Pragya Institute of Personality Development offers many opportunities to level up your expertise. Our carefully curated course selection provides valuable knowledge and ensures that your Sundays are spent productively. With experienced instructors and hands-on learning experiences, you'll be able to acquire new skills and apply them to real-world projects. From beginner-friendly courses to advanced workshops, there's something for everyone, So why waste another Sunday when you can invest it in yourself? Join us and unlock your full potential today.

    Advantages of investing time in skill development on Sundays

    In today's fast-paced and competitive world, continuous learning and skill development are essential for personal and professional growth. However, finding the time to invest in self-improvement can be challenging amidst busy work schedules and other commitments. That's where Sundays come in. By dedicating your Sundays to skill development, you can reap numerous advantages:

    1. Uninterrupted Focus: Sundays are typically quieter and more peaceful, providing the perfect environment for concentrated learning. With fewer distractions and obligations, you can fully immerse yourself in the course material and absorb knowledge more effectively.

    2. Work-Life Balance: Instead of spending Sundays dreading the upcoming workweek, investing time in skill development can help create a sense of balance. Dedicating a day to personal growth can foster a healthier work-life balance and alleviate stress.

    3. Increased Productivity: Learning new skills on Sundays expands your knowledge and enhances your overall productivity. By acquiring relevant expertise, you can approach your work tasks more efficiently and effectively, leading to better outcomes and increased job satisfaction.

    Investing time in skill development on Sundays is a wise choice that can yield long-term benefits. With suitable courses and a dedicated mindset, you can stay ahead in your field and unlock new opportunities for success.

  • How to choose the right development course in Jaipur

    With numerous development courses available in Jaipur, choosing the right one can seem overwhelming. Here are some factors to consider when selecting a course:
    1. Your Goals: Determine what skills or knowledge you want to acquire. Are you looking to switch careers, enhance your skills, or explore a new field? Identifying your goals will help you narrow down the course options. Our Centre enables you to identify your goals and provides mentoring during your journey to achieving these goals. Soft Skill Development is the fundamental need of each individual, irrespective of their profession and age.

    2. Course Content: Review the course curriculum to ensure it aligns with your learning objectives. Look for courses that cover your interests and provide a comprehensive understanding of the subject matter. We cover A to Z of Personality Development, Soft Skills, and Life Skill Management.

    3. Instructor Expertise: Research the instructors' qualifications and industry experience. Experienced instructors can provide valuable insights and guidance, enhancing your learning experience—Our Chief Trainer -Mr. Saurabh Jain harnesses the intellectual brilliance of the Nine World Record.

    4. Learning Format: Consider the learning format that suits you best. Some courses are self-paced, allowing you to learn at your own convenience, while others follow a structured schedule. Choose a format that fits your learning style and availability. Do they follow a classroom format or a Practical approach? Our educational pattern is 100% practical, and participants get enough chances to practice.

    5. Reviews and Reputation: Read reviews and testimonials from previous students to gauge the course's quality and effectiveness. Consider the reputation of the institute or training Centre offering the course. Our Academy has 4500+ 5 Start Ratings and high-value reviews

    Considering these factors, you can make an informed decision and choose a development course in Jaipur that aligns with your goals and expectations.

  • Objective: The best Investment is to Invest in Yourself

    During weekdays, it is tough for working professionals, students, and others to spare time for themselves. They are highly occupied with their professional or other work assignments. People always complain that they have a burning desire to learn and grow in their lives, but they are available only on weekends, and grooming classes are available only on weekdays.

    Few may have other perspectives- After a tight week, during the weekend, you want to rest, go out, and spend time with family, but have you forgotten when you will give time to yourself? Work for yourself and Work on yourself.

    Are you one of them

    1. Have an intense desire to learn and grow?
    2. Wish to achieve excellence in your soft skills?
    3. Wish to become an influential and impressive personality?
    4. Looking for exponential and sustainable growth in life?
    5. Wish to turn your passion into a profession?
    6. Wish to add value to your life?
    7. Wish to learn basic to advanced ways to live a quality life?
    8. Want to learn Art, Science, and Commerce of Living?
    9. Wish to achieve the highest level of success in each aspect of life, personal, professional, and social life?
    10. Wish to give wings to your dreams and fulfil them, but

    Limited time during weekdays has become the biggest hurdle. We have the most acceptable solution to all your problems by keeping these guys in mind. Pragya Institute has initiated the Sunday Learning program.

    The weekend Programme is our most refined Programme of very selected topics. Of course, each topic is crucial, but we selected the best out of the best in the weekend program.

    Through our weekend course, we provide opportunities for you. Spend time with yourself and for yourself. We strongly believe you must enjoy your own company. Our courses are full of learning activities.

    This is our guarantee: you will have the best experience of your life, and this program will transform your thoughts, habits, and destiny.

    If you don’t have time during weekdays, there are still a few weekend challenges. But unfortunately, this vicious cycle will continue until the end of life. कहते हैं ना टाइम निकलता नहीं है निकालना पड़ता है

    If You Are Not Getting the Desired Result of Hard Efforts
    Pause and Check
    Do not change your objective; change the approach toward the goal.
    The most common reasons are Lack of Skill, Self-Belief, and Guidance.

    जिन्दगी में हम हर चीज के लिये समय निकाल लेते हैं लेकिन अपने लिये नहीं निकाल पाते - जिन्दगी में हम दूसरी चीजों के लिये पैसे भी निकाल लेते हैं लेकिन अपनी लर्निंगस के लिये नहीं निकाल पाते लेकिन ये दो वो चीजें जिनके लिये आपको समय और पैसा दोनों निकालने चाहियें - अपने आप को अपना कीमती समय दें

  • Why have we come up with professional courses?

  • Gap Between Global Standards and Bharat’s Professional Courses: 

    As mentioned above, globally professional courses have a specific advantage, but due to various factors, except for a few good institutions, all others are far away from the global standards.
    B-Schools (Business Schools) focus more on placement than building excellence, or B schools behave like placement agencies. We are entirely focused on skill development.
  • Highly Expensive: 

    Bharat is a very diversified country where everybody cannot pay the fee in lakhs. Our courses are highly cost-effective and equally or more efficient (In terms of acquiring practical knowledge and experience), so it’s a significant relief for the people who can not afford these expensive courses.
  • Refine Curriculum: 

    We extracted (Only Practical Aspects) of various professional courses + Further modifications according to the need of the hour, and made them more practical + Added many Pragya Institute special spices = Recipe of Professional courses. It reduces the duration of the course, so Effective Course - Effective Cost - Effective Time Management.
  • Updated Curriculum: 

    Books and Courses at the College and University level must be regularly updated; faculties are bound to teach outdated topics. Many times curriculum needs to be updated for the last many years. We update our courses regularly.
  • Short Duration: 

    Converted long courses into short courses. For example, if somebody is only interested in learning sales, so need not learn Production, Finance, Accounts, etc. Here they will learn sales, sales, and only sales.
  • Experience: 

    For Example, Faculties who are teaching about Entrepreneurship, Startup, Sales, etc., have never been an entrepreneur or started a startup or have zero experience in selling, but Our faculty is highly experienced in their training domain
  • 1:1 Focus: 

    Professional courses need one on one focus, but in colleges and universities, one class = 40, 50, or more students; here at Pragya Institute, We only take 10 to 15 Students in one batch

    To Provide the Most Updated, Most Refined - Curriculum, 100% Practical Methodology, Best Faculty, One on One Focus, Short Duration Courses, Focus on Skill Development, and Cost-Effectiveness - We have initiated - Pragya’s Elite Series of Professional Courses.

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