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Earn Credibility - Most Powerful Currency - Earn It
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Earn Credibility: Self Design Course by Pragya

Earn Credibility - Most Powerful Currency - Earn It


In today's competitive world, developing a strong personal brand is crucial for success. It is not just about showcasing your skills and expertise, but also about establishing credibility and trust. That's where the Pragya Institute of Personality Development comes in. With their comprehensive program, they guide individuals on the journey of mastering credibility and building a powerful personal brand. Through a combination of expert guidance, practical exercises, and real-world examples, they help individuals understand the importance of authenticity, consistency, and professionalism in their personal brand. Whether you are a professional seeking to enhance your career prospects or an entrepreneur looking to establish yourself as an industry leader, the Pragya Institute of Personality Development equips you with the tools and strategies needed to create a lasting impression. With their tailored approach and unwavering commitment to excellence, they ensure that you stand out from the crowd and make a lasting impact in your chosen field. Don't miss out on this opportunity to develop your personal brand and unlock endless possibilities with the Pragya Institute of Personality Development.

Are you ready to take your personal brand to the next level? In a world where credibility is everything, developing a strong personal brand is essential for success. That's why the Pragya Institute of Personality Development is here to guide you on your journey towards mastering credibility. With our comprehensive program, we will equip you with the skills and knowledge needed to establish yourself as a reputable and influential figure in your industry. From building a strong online presence to honing your communication skills, our experienced team of experts will provide you with the tools necessary to leave a lasting impact. Whether you're a business professional, entrepreneur, or freelancer, investing in your personal brand is a strategic move that can open doors to new opportunities and help you stand out from the crowd. Join us at the Pragya Institute of Personality Development and unlock your full potential as you master credibility and build a personal brand that commands respect and authority.



Comprehensive & Best Curriculum
"Credibility is a leader’s currency. With it, they are solvent; without it, they are bankrupt." 
  •  What is credibility
  • Psychology and science behind credibility
  • Importance of credibility
  • Traits of a credible person
  • Credibility Matrix
  • Causes behind the difference in saying and doing
  • How to bridge the gap between saying and doing
  • Tactics to fulfil the commitment in the most challenging situations
  • Most effective and implementable ways to increase the credibility
Customised Training Methodology
"A lack of realism in the vision today costs credibility tomorrow." 
 John C. Maxwell

1. Comprehensive workbook/ worksheets on “Develop Laser-Sharp Focus.”
2. Five games/ activities to improve your “Focus.” Based on NeuroScience
3. Conduct Psychometric tests/ Quizzes to know “How Good You Are at Maintaining Focus.”
4. Three Cases - Case study-based learning - Case studies discussion
5. Four Assignments/ Fun work and responsibilities to improve your “Focus.”

Note: For more details, read our “Complete Training Methodology.”

"Build your credibility so you won't have to say the same thing twice before someone believes it." 
Why one must learn this module-

You think in terms of WE, OUR, US. Once you have ownership - you do outstanding work. When the janitorial service at NASA described what they did (their job), NASA did not say, "We sweep the floor and clean commodes. They said we are putting the first people on the moon. That is ownership. A bit reminiscent of Martin Luther (the great Protestant Reformer) when he said, "If you are a street sweeper, sweep streets to the glory of God."

1. It will improve your credit score and finally increase your authenticity
2. You will become a significant influencer
3. You will be able to achieve the “Crown of The Leader.”
4. It helps you to build solid and long-lasting relationships
5. Credibility will attract a lot of business and profitability for you – Known as pull marketing
6. You will be able to get the best price for your product, and people will be ready to sell you at the lowest price
7. It will increase your brand value
8. It will improve your emotional intelligence – Self-control
9. It will further strengthen your commitment
10. It improves the overall culture of trust and empathy – Build the foundation of a strong team
11. People will become more committed to you and your organisation
12. It improves the productivity and self-motivation of people around you
13. People will have a better sense of ownership

Introducing the Self-Design Course by Pragya Institute: Customized Education for You

Are you tired of being stuck in rigid, one-size-fits-all courses? Do you crave flexibility and freedom in your learning experience? Look no further than Pragya Institute's revolutionary Self-Design Course.

Tailored to Meet Your Unique Needs: At Pragya Institute, we understand that every individual is unique. That's why our Self-Design Course allows you to create a learning experience that suits your needs and preferences. Whether you're passionate about a specific field or want to explore a wide range of subjects, our course can be customized to cater to your interests.
Need-Based: Each individual is unique; according to age, needs are different; according to occupation, requirements are different; according to dreams, conditions are different; according to situations, needs are different. So here, you can customize the course according to your needs. Unlike a fixed menu– A ALA Carte – discuss and decide according to your taste.
With our Self-Design Course, you will unlock a personalized learning experience like no other. Unlike traditional courses, where you are bound to follow a fixed curriculum, our course gives you the freedom to choose the topics and subjects that interest you the most. This keeps you engaged and motivated and helps you develop critical skills such as research, analysis, and decision-making.
Imagine delving deep into the subjects that genuinely captivate your curiosity. Whether you're passionate about leadership, a positive attitude, time management, or communication skill, our Self-Design Course allows you to create your own path and explore your interests to the fullest.

Time-Saving, Flexible Duration to Fit Your Schedule: You can choose to learn according to your "Needs and Wants" – In mass courses, you are bound to go with the flow, but here you can easily escape – where you don't want to be. We understand that nowadays, everyone has a busy life. That's why our Self-Design Course offers flexible duration options. You can complete the course in several days or extend it over several years. The power is in your hands, allowing you to design a learning journey that aligns with your availability and commitments.

Cost Saving: Now, there is No need to pay for what you don't want or don't need – Pay only for what is required. Gone are the days of paying for unnecessary courses or materials. With our Self-Design Course, you only pay for the topics and subjects you truly need and want to learn. This saves you money and allows you to maximize your time by focusing on what matters most to you.
Freedom- Unlock a Personalized Learning Experience: You design the course length according to time availability. Since we have a wide range of courses, our courses begin from one month to two years, so through the self-design course, you can decide the duration of the program from a few days to years.

Different Experience: In school/ college, you choose a stream, but here within the same subject, you can choose topics. It will also help you to improve your research, analytical, and decision-making skills.

Not only will you gain knowledge and skills in your chosen subjects, but you will also enhance your ability to think critically and independently. This will undoubtedly set you apart from your peers and equip you with the tools necessary for success in today's rapidly evolving world.
Don't miss out on this golden opportunity to take control of your learning journey. Join Pragya Institute's Self-Design Course today and let your curiosity lead.

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