
Summer Camp: Boost Memory, Focus & Speed

Achieve Photographic Memory, Laser Sharp Focus

Summer Camp: Boost Memory, Focus & Speed



  • Boost Memory & Achieve Laser-Sharp Focus with Bharat's Best Institute and Trainer

    “Retention is The Game of Attention.”  Saurabh Jain

    With one click, you can boost your memory, achieve laser-sharp focus, and increase reading speed. Bharat's best self-grooming classes are one click away. But, unfortunately, a lot of times, when we say later, it becomes never. We should never postpone our good plans. Good plans are golden opportunities; you will regret them later if you don't grab them.

    Want to “Boost Your Memory, Achieve Laser-Sharp Focus, and Increase Reading Speed.” - Join Pragya's Excellence in Photographic Memory Program.
    Here you will learn different methods, techniques, strategies, principles, tools, and life hacks that will help you to gain Photographic Memory, Laser-Sharp Focus, and Reading Speed.
    All those things that seemed impossible are now possible; It’s like dreams come true - Let’s celebrate you will have “Photographic Memory & Laser Sharp Focus.”
    “We do not produce freshers; we do not produce professionals; We produce passionate professionals.”
    "जिसको बेस्ट बनना है - वो बेस्ट को ही चुनता है"

    World-class curriculum, world-class trainer, world-class training methodology, and world-class infrastructure.

    Bharat's first and best comprehensive personality development and life skill management institute.

    Known as
    "Kingdom of Wisdom”
    “Excellence की पाठशाला "

    We have initiated a movement towards creating legends

    Rajasthan's first soft skill training institute affiliated and approved by Rajasthan Skill University.

  • Break The Myth

  • Q. Is It Possible To Improve Memory?

    Yes, 100% Possible
    Memory Can Be Improved; in Fact, People of Any Age Group Can Improve
  • Q. Will Memory Coach Recommend Some Herbs/ Medicine?

    No, This Program is based on Tools, Techniques, Strategies, Methods, and LifeStyle Hacks.

  • Q: Is photographic memory something you're born with, or can it be developed?

    A: While some people may be born with a natural photographic memory, developing this skill through practice and training is possible.

  • Q: How long does it take to develop a photographic memory?

    A: The time it takes to develop a photographic memory can vary depending on the individual and the techniques used. However, with consistent practice and training, many people can see significant memory improvement within a few weeks or months.

  • Q: Can anyone develop a photographic memory?

    A: While anyone can improve their memory skills through practice and training, not everyone may be able to develop an actual photographic memory.


  • How This Course Will Solve All Your Problems

  • 1.
    Develop a Photographic Memory -

    Is your most significant pain in life related to memory? Do you wish to remember everything in no time? Would you like to have a perfect recall and remember every tiny detail? Do you wish you could remember the birthdays, anniversaries, the passwords to your bank account, your grocery list, and the frameworks and templates taught in various courses? Do you want to win the game of memory using the cheat codes of this hidden matrix?

  • 2.
    Speed Reading -

    Do you wish to be a speed reader? Is your passion for reading books and trying out new things taught in those books? Do you want to absorb content in your brain in the same way a sponge absorbs water? Do you want to read and remember like Tai Lopez? Do you wish to read books 3x faster?

  • 3.
    Over-deliver to your Boss -

    Are you in a career where you need to memorize various statistics, remember different charts, and consume various memos and reports? Do you want to outperform your peers and win the battle of being promoted to the top? Do you want to overcommit and overdeliver so people recognize your actual worth and see you as a philosopher's stone?

  • 4.
    Tenfold increase in Productivity -

    Do you want a tenfold increase in productivity? Do you want to get everything done in your work life and have the time of your life by enjoying the thing you love the most? Do you wish to be a working machine and tap into the flow states like a Super Saiyan? Do you wish to be instinctual like a wolf?

  • 5.
    Stop wasting time and Develop habits that will make you Successful -

    Are you one of those individuals trapped in a pattern of unproductive thinking? Do you feel that if you had good habits and would have broken yourself free from the pattern of negative thinking where you beat yourself up, you would achieve all your dreams? Do you want to abandon all old habits and addictions to fulfil your heart's desires?

Post your queries here, We will get back to you as soon as possible.