If you are searching for the most comprehensive Certified Personality & Soft Skill Development Course in Jaipur, look no further than Pragya Institute of Personality Development & Life Skill Management. Under the mentorship of highly experienced trainer Mr Saurabh Jain, we offer the city's best Certified Personality & Soft Skill Development Course.
At Pragya Institute, we take pride in being
known as
Excellence की पाठशाला, Kingdom of Wisdom, and 360 Degree Growth Academy.
We are an ISO-certified institute and have been awarded 200+ eminent titles.
Global media has covered our exemplary work in soft skills, life skills, personality development, and digital marketing as news headlines.
What sets us apart from others is our world-class comprehensive curriculum. We cover A to Z of the Certified Personality & Soft Skill Development Course. This curriculum is crafted under the supervision and guidance of the world's best trainers. Our approach is 100% practical, where implementation is our religion.
If you are searching for the most comprehensive Certified Personality & Soft Skill Development Course in Jaipur, look no further than Pragya Institute of Personality Development & Life Skill Management. Under the mentorship of highly experienced trainer Mr Saurabh Jain, we offer the city's best Certified Personality & Soft Skill Development Course.
At Pragya Institute, we take pride in being
known as
Excellence की पाठशाला, Kingdom of Wisdom, and 360 Degree Growth Academy.
We are an ISO-certified institute and have been awarded 200+ eminent titles.
Global media has covered our exemplary work in soft skills, life skills, personality development, and digital marketing as news headlines.
What sets us apart from others is our world-class comprehensive curriculum. We cover A to Z of the Certified Personality & Soft Skill Development Course. This curriculum is crafted under the supervision and guidance of the world's best trainers. Our approach is 100% practical, where implementation is our religion.
कुछ लोग बड़ी – बड़ी डिग्री होने के बाद भी कुछ नहीं कर पाते और कुछ लोग बेसिक Qualification से बहुत कुछ Achieve कर लेते हैं |
👉🏻 Excellence को अपनी Habit कैसे बनाया जाता है, ये सीखकर अपनी Life में Unstoppable Growth Achieve कीजिये|
कुछ लोग बड़ी – बड़ी डिग्री होने के बाद भी कुछ नहीं कर पाते और कुछ लोग बेसिक Qualification से बहुत कुछ Achieve कर लेते हैं |
👉🏻 Excellence को अपनी Habit कैसे बनाया जाता है, ये सीखकर अपनी Life में Unstoppable Growth Achieve कीजिये|
कुछ लोग अपनी बात को ऐसे रखते हैं की हर कोई उन्हें ना कर देता है और कुछ लोग अपनी बात को ऐसे रखते हैं की कोई उन्हें ना ही नहीं कर पाता |
👉🏻 अपने अन्दर Influential Personality Traits Develop करें और अपने आपको Stand Out of The Crowd Personality बनायें |
कुछ लोग अपनी बात को ऐसे रखते हैं की हर कोई उन्हें ना कर देता है और कुछ लोग अपनी बात को ऐसे रखते हैं की कोई उन्हें ना ही नहीं कर पाता |
👉🏻 अपने अन्दर Influential Personality Traits Develop करें और अपने आपको Stand Out of The Crowd Personality बनायें |
कुछ लोगों के आने का इंतज़ार होता है और कुछ लोगों के जाने का इंतज़ार होता है – कुछ लोगों से मिलकर लगता है “वाह यार बन्दे में कोई बात है”|
👉🏻 अपनी Personality को Charismatic and Magnetic बनाइये जिससे जो आप से मिले वो आपका Fan हो जाये |
कुछ लोगों के आने का इंतज़ार होता है और कुछ लोगों के जाने का इंतज़ार होता है – कुछ लोगों से मिलकर लगता है “वाह यार बन्दे में कोई बात है”|
👉🏻 अपनी Personality को Charismatic and Magnetic बनाइये जिससे जो आप से मिले वो आपका Fan हो जाये |
कुछ लोग बदलते समय के साथ बदल जाते हैं और कुछ लोग वहीँ रुके रह जाते हैं और ख़त्म हो जाते हैं |
👉🏿अपने अन्दर Adaptability Develop करें और अपने आपको Open Minded बनाइये और साथ ही Comfort Zone से बाहर आकर अपने Full Potential को Explore करना सीखें | आप पायेंगे कि आप अपना Best Version बनते जा रहे हैं|
कुछ लोग बदलते समय के साथ बदल जाते हैं और कुछ लोग वहीँ रुके रह जाते हैं और ख़त्म हो जाते हैं |
👉🏿अपने अन्दर Adaptability Develop करें और अपने आपको Open Minded बनाइये और साथ ही Comfort Zone से बाहर आकर अपने Full Potential को Explore करना सीखें | आप पायेंगे कि आप अपना Best Version बनते जा रहे हैं|
कुछ लोगों से मिलकर लगता हैं जैसे शिकायत करने के लिये ही जन्म लिया हो - बस हर बात में शिकायत – जिन्दगी इतनी मनहूसियत से जीते हैं जैसे पैदा ही पुण्य तिथि के दिन हुए हों और कुछ लोग बड़ी से बड़ी मुसीबत में भी मुस्कुराते हैं
👉🏿शिकायत करना बंद करके जिन्दगी को खुल कर जीना सीखें |
कुछ लोगों से मिलकर लगता हैं जैसे शिकायत करने के लिये ही जन्म लिया हो - बस हर बात में शिकायत – जिन्दगी इतनी मनहूसियत से जीते हैं जैसे पैदा ही पुण्य तिथि के दिन हुए हों और कुछ लोग बड़ी से बड़ी मुसीबत में भी मुस्कुराते हैं
👉🏿शिकायत करना बंद करके जिन्दगी को खुल कर जीना सीखें |
कुछ लोग हर समाधान में समस्या खोज लेते हैं और कुछ लोग हर समस्या का समाधान खोज लेते हैं |
👉🏿 अपने Mind को Solution Oriented बनाना सीखें इससे आपके Brain की Fertility Increase होगी और आप Life के हर Field में Unexpected Results Achieve कर पायेंगे |
कुछ लोग हर समाधान में समस्या खोज लेते हैं और कुछ लोग हर समस्या का समाधान खोज लेते हैं |
👉🏿 अपने Mind को Solution Oriented बनाना सीखें इससे आपके Brain की Fertility Increase होगी और आप Life के हर Field में Unexpected Results Achieve कर पायेंगे |
कुछ लोगों के पास ना समय होता न ही काम होता है और कुछ लोगों के पास समय भी होता है और (काम) पैसा भी होता है|
👉🏿अपने आपको Highly Productive बनायें और कम मेहनत से ज्यादा रिजल्ट पायें |
कुछ लोगों के पास ना समय होता न ही काम होता है और कुछ लोगों के पास समय भी होता है और (काम) पैसा भी होता है|
👉🏿अपने आपको Highly Productive बनायें और कम मेहनत से ज्यादा रिजल्ट पायें |
कुछ लोग एक बार पढ़ते हैं और याद रह जाता है और कई लोग दस बार पढने के बाद भी याद नहीं रख पाते|
👉🏿 अपनी Memory को Photographic Memory में बदलें और भूलने की आदत से छुटकारा पायें |
कुछ लोग एक बार पढ़ते हैं और याद रह जाता है और कई लोग दस बार पढने के बाद भी याद नहीं रख पाते|
👉🏿 अपनी Memory को Photographic Memory में बदलें और भूलने की आदत से छुटकारा पायें |
कुछ लोग अपनी आदतों के Control में रहते हैं और कुछ लोगों की आदतें उनके Control में रहती हैं |
👉🏿अपनी Bad Habits को छोडकर Super Achievers की Habit को Develop करें और दूसरों के लिये भी एक Inspiration बनें |
कुछ लोग अपनी आदतों के Control में रहते हैं और कुछ लोगों की आदतें उनके Control में रहती हैं |
👉🏿अपनी Bad Habits को छोडकर Super Achievers की Habit को Develop करें और दूसरों के लिये भी एक Inspiration बनें |
कुछ लोगों को दुनिया के बारे में बहुत कुछ पता होता है और कुछ लोगों को अपने बारे में बहुत कुछ पता होता है | “Know About Yourself is the Beginning of Wisdom”
👉🏿अपनी Strengths को पहचानकर और उनका इस्तेमाल कर सफलता के शिखर पर पहुँचे |
कुछ लोगों को दुनिया के बारे में बहुत कुछ पता होता है और कुछ लोगों को अपने बारे में बहुत कुछ पता होता है | “Know About Yourself is the Beginning of Wisdom”
👉🏿अपनी Strengths को पहचानकर और उनका इस्तेमाल कर सफलता के शिखर पर पहुँचे |
कुछ सवाल दूसरों से नहीं अपने आप से पूछने होते हैं |
👉🏿अपनी Self-Talk की Quality को Improve करें और Self-Doubt से बहार आकर एक Confident Personality बनें |
कुछ सवाल दूसरों से नहीं अपने आप से पूछने होते हैं |
👉🏿अपनी Self-Talk की Quality को Improve करें और Self-Doubt से बहार आकर एक Confident Personality बनें |
कुछ लोगों को पता होता है उन्हें अपने जीवन में क्या करना है और कुछ लोगों के लिये दुनिया Decide करती है की उन्हें क्या करना चाहिये|
👉🏿अपने Interest व Skills के अनुसार अपने Clear Goals व Clear Career Map तैयार करें जिससे आपको अपने Goals को Achieve करना आसान हो जायेगा |
कुछ लोगों को पता होता है उन्हें अपने जीवन में क्या करना है और कुछ लोगों के लिये दुनिया Decide करती है की उन्हें क्या करना चाहिये|
👉🏿अपने Interest व Skills के अनुसार अपने Clear Goals व Clear Career Map तैयार करें जिससे आपको अपने Goals को Achieve करना आसान हो जायेगा |
कुछ लोग सिर्फ सोचते रह जाते हैं और कुछ लोग कर जाते हैं |
👉🏿अपने आपको एक Excuser और Dreamer की जगह एक जबरदस्त Executer बनायें और जीवन में जबरदस्त Growth पायें |
कुछ लोग सिर्फ सोचते रह जाते हैं और कुछ लोग कर जाते हैं |
👉🏿अपने आपको एक Excuser और Dreamer की जगह एक जबरदस्त Executer बनायें और जीवन में जबरदस्त Growth पायें |
कुछ लोग खूब कमाते हैं फिर भी खाली हाथ रह जाते हैं, कुछ लोग कम कमाते हैं फिर भी बचत कर जाते हैं |
👉🏿अपनी Financial Management Skill को Next Level पर लेकर जायें जिससे जीवन में कभी भी Short of Funds नहीं रहेंगे |
कुछ लोग खूब कमाते हैं फिर भी खाली हाथ रह जाते हैं, कुछ लोग कम कमाते हैं फिर भी बचत कर जाते हैं |
👉🏿अपनी Financial Management Skill को Next Level पर लेकर जायें जिससे जीवन में कभी भी Short of Funds नहीं रहेंगे |
कुछ लोग जिन्दगी भर Copy करते हैं और कुछ लोग Create करते हैं |
👉🏿 सीखिये Trendsetter व Innovator कैसे बना जाता है, अब आप लोगों को नहीं लोग आपको फॉलो करेंगे |
कुछ लोग जिन्दगी भर Copy करते हैं और कुछ लोग Create करते हैं |
👉🏿 सीखिये Trendsetter व Innovator कैसे बना जाता है, अब आप लोगों को नहीं लोग आपको फॉलो करेंगे |
कुछ लोग जिन्दगी भर डर – डर कर जीते है और कुछ लोग दिल खोल कर जीते हैं |
👉🏿अपने अन्दर Courage पैदा करें और अब डर – डर कर नहीं दिल खोलकर जीयें |
कुछ लोग जिन्दगी भर डर – डर कर जीते है और कुछ लोग दिल खोल कर जीते हैं |
👉🏿अपने अन्दर Courage पैदा करें और अब डर – डर कर नहीं दिल खोलकर जीयें |
हारने में और हार मान लेने में अंतर होता है, जो हार कर भी हार नहीं मानते उनके गले में एक दिन जीत का हार पहनाया जाता है |
👉🏿कभी न हार मानने वाला Attitude Develop करें और जीवन में आने वाली चुनौतियों का भी आनंद लेना सीखें |
हारने में और हार मान लेने में अंतर होता है, जो हार कर भी हार नहीं मानते उनके गले में एक दिन जीत का हार पहनाया जाता है |
👉🏿कभी न हार मानने वाला Attitude Develop करें और जीवन में आने वाली चुनौतियों का भी आनंद लेना सीखें |
कुछ लोग जिन्दगी भर अपने ऊपर भरोसा (Confidence) नहीं कर पाते और कुछ लोगों पर दुनिया भरोसा (Confidence) करती है|
👉🏿अपने आपको Powerhouse of Confidence बनायें जिससे सिर्फ आप ही नहीं आपके आस पास आने वाला हर व्यक्ति भी Confident से भर जाये |
कुछ लोग जिन्दगी भर अपने ऊपर भरोसा (Confidence) नहीं कर पाते और कुछ लोगों पर दुनिया भरोसा (Confidence) करती है|
👉🏿अपने आपको Powerhouse of Confidence बनायें जिससे सिर्फ आप ही नहीं आपके आस पास आने वाला हर व्यक्ति भी Confident से भर जाये |
कुछ लोग जिन्दगी में Over-Night Result चाहते हैं और Fail हो जाते हैं और कुछ लोग सही समय का इन्तजार करते हैं और मंजिल तक पहुँच जाते हैं |
👉🏿अपने अन्दर Patience Develop कर Maturity Period के हिसाब से Amount of Efforts Decide करें जिससे आप बिना परेशान हुये Long Term Goals को Achieve कर पायेंगे |
कुछ लोग जिन्दगी में Over-Night Result चाहते हैं और Fail हो जाते हैं और कुछ लोग सही समय का इन्तजार करते हैं और मंजिल तक पहुँच जाते हैं |
👉🏿अपने अन्दर Patience Develop कर Maturity Period के हिसाब से Amount of Efforts Decide करें जिससे आप बिना परेशान हुये Long Term Goals को Achieve कर पायेंगे |
कुछ लोग बहुत सारे कामों की शुरुवात करते हैं लेकिन किसी को भी अंजाम तक नहीं पहुंचाते और कुछ लोग जिस भी काम को शुरू करते हैं उसे अंजाम तक जरुर पहुंचाते हैं |
👉🏿अपने अन्दर Unmatched Consistency Develop करें और Compound Effect के माध्यम से Unbelievable Results Achieve करें |
कुछ लोग बहुत सारे कामों की शुरुवात करते हैं लेकिन किसी को भी अंजाम तक नहीं पहुंचाते और कुछ लोग जिस भी काम को शुरू करते हैं उसे अंजाम तक जरुर पहुंचाते हैं |
👉🏿अपने अन्दर Unmatched Consistency Develop करें और Compound Effect के माध्यम से Unbelievable Results Achieve करें |
कुछ लोग न रिश्ते बना पाते हैं और न ही निभाते पाते हैं, कुछ लोग बना तो लेते हैं लेकिन उन्हें लम्बे समय तक निभा नहीं पाते और कुछ लोग जहाँ जाते हैं वहीँ रिश्ते बना लेते हैं और पूरी शिद्दत के साथ जिन्दगी भर निभाते भी हैं |
👉🏿Achieve Mastery in Your Social Skills, Social Skill के माध्यम से सबका Favourite बनना सीखें और अपने Network को Expand कर अपनी Net Worth को भी बढायें |
कुछ लोग न रिश्ते बना पाते हैं और न ही निभाते पाते हैं, कुछ लोग बना तो लेते हैं लेकिन उन्हें लम्बे समय तक निभा नहीं पाते और कुछ लोग जहाँ जाते हैं वहीँ रिश्ते बना लेते हैं और पूरी शिद्दत के साथ जिन्दगी भर निभाते भी हैं |
👉🏿Achieve Mastery in Your Social Skills, Social Skill के माध्यम से सबका Favourite बनना सीखें और अपने Network को Expand कर अपनी Net Worth को भी बढायें |
पहले Machines से Deal करना Complicated था, अब Machines से Deal करना आसान हो गया है | पहले People से Deal करना आसान था, अब People से Deal करना Complicated हो गया है |
👉🏿अपने अन्दर Great Leaders की सभी Essential Qualities को Develop कर Champion Team Build करना सीखें |
पहले Machines से Deal करना Complicated था, अब Machines से Deal करना आसान हो गया है | पहले People से Deal करना आसान था, अब People से Deal करना Complicated हो गया है |
👉🏿अपने अन्दर Great Leaders की सभी Essential Qualities को Develop कर Champion Team Build करना सीखें |
कुछ लोग न सुनते हैं, न समझते हैं बस अपनी – अपनी चलाते हैं और कुछ लोग सोच – समझकर कदम बढाते हैं |
👉🏿 अपने और दूसरों के Emotions को ध्यान में रखकर Behave करना सीखें जिससे आपको Long Lasting Relations Build करना आसान हो जायेगा |
कुछ लोग न सुनते हैं, न समझते हैं बस अपनी – अपनी चलाते हैं और कुछ लोग सोच – समझकर कदम बढाते हैं |
👉🏿 अपने और दूसरों के Emotions को ध्यान में रखकर Behave करना सीखें जिससे आपको Long Lasting Relations Build करना आसान हो जायेगा |
कुछ लोगों किसी के साथ कोई जिन्दगी भर भी रह लें, तो भी वो उनके दिल व दिमाग में क्या चल रहा है ये नहीं जान पाते और कुछ लोग मिलते ही व्यक्ति को पहचान जाते हैं |
👉🏿 अपनी Observation Skills को बढ़ाकर आप Mind Reading Expert बन सकते हैं जिससे आपको कोई धोखा नहीं दे पायेगा और साथ जिन्दगी के अनुभवों से भी सीखना सीख जायेंगे और आप एक ही गलती को बार बार Repeat नहीं करेंगे |
कुछ लोगों किसी के साथ कोई जिन्दगी भर भी रह लें, तो भी वो उनके दिल व दिमाग में क्या चल रहा है ये नहीं जान पाते और कुछ लोग मिलते ही व्यक्ति को पहचान जाते हैं |
👉🏿 अपनी Observation Skills को बढ़ाकर आप Mind Reading Expert बन सकते हैं जिससे आपको कोई धोखा नहीं दे पायेगा और साथ जिन्दगी के अनुभवों से भी सीखना सीख जायेंगे और आप एक ही गलती को बार बार Repeat नहीं करेंगे |
कुछ लोग बोलते हैं तो उन्हें चुप कराने का मन करता है और जब कुछ लोग बोलते हैं, तो उन्हें सुनते चले जाने को मन करता है|
👉🏿अपनी Communication Skill को Effective व Impressive बनाकर आप किसी को भी अपनी बातों से Hypnotise करना सीखें |
कुछ लोग बोलते हैं तो उन्हें चुप कराने का मन करता है और जब कुछ लोग बोलते हैं, तो उन्हें सुनते चले जाने को मन करता है|
👉🏿अपनी Communication Skill को Effective व Impressive बनाकर आप किसी को भी अपनी बातों से Hypnotise करना सीखें |
कुछ लोग जब चलते हैं, बैठते हैं, हँसते हैं, हाथ मिलाते हैं, किसी की और देखते हैं तो बहुत Attractive और Confident नजर आते हैं, मन करता है उनकी तरफ देखते रहो दूसरी तरफ कुछ लोग पूरी तरह Underconfident नजर आते हैं या यूं कहें ये किसी की नजर में भी नहीं आते
👉🏿अपनी Body Language में Winner’s Spark Develop करें और Spot Light Effect Gain करें |
कुछ लोग जब चलते हैं, बैठते हैं, हँसते हैं, हाथ मिलाते हैं, किसी की और देखते हैं तो बहुत Attractive और Confident नजर आते हैं, मन करता है उनकी तरफ देखते रहो दूसरी तरफ कुछ लोग पूरी तरह Underconfident नजर आते हैं या यूं कहें ये किसी की नजर में भी नहीं आते
👉🏿अपनी Body Language में Winner’s Spark Develop करें और Spot Light Effect Gain करें |
कुछ लोगों को आता बहुत कुछ है लेकिन स्टेज पर नहीं बोल पाते और कुछ लोग स्टेज पर छा जाते हैं |
👉🏿 अपने Stage Fear को दूर कर, Public Speaking और Presentation Skill में Mastery Achieve कर अपने Career को New Heights तक लेकर जायें और जल्द ही Public Figure बन जायें
कुछ लोगों को आता बहुत कुछ है लेकिन स्टेज पर नहीं बोल पाते और कुछ लोग स्टेज पर छा जाते हैं |
👉🏿 अपने Stage Fear को दूर कर, Public Speaking और Presentation Skill में Mastery Achieve कर अपने Career को New Heights तक लेकर जायें और जल्द ही Public Figure बन जायें
कुछ लोग अपनी कही हुई बात से ऐसे पलट जाते हैं जैसे ... और कुछ लोग अपनी बात पर अपनी जान से भी खेल जाते हैं| एक बार Commitment करने के बाद तो मैं अपने आप की भी नहीं सुनता – Commitment = Credibility
👉🏿अपनी Credibility को Increase कर अपने आप को Personal Brand बनायें |
कुछ लोग अपनी कही हुई बात से ऐसे पलट जाते हैं जैसे ... और कुछ लोग अपनी बात पर अपनी जान से भी खेल जाते हैं| एक बार Commitment करने के बाद तो मैं अपने आप की भी नहीं सुनता – Commitment = Credibility
👉🏿अपनी Credibility को Increase कर अपने आप को Personal Brand बनायें |
कुछ लोगो का ध्यान बिना कारण के भी भटकता रहता है और कुछ लोग कितने भी कारण पैदा होने के बाद भी अपने ध्यान को नहीं भटकने देते |
👉🏿कितने भी Distraction के बीच अपने Goals कि तरफ Attract रहना सीखें और असंभव को संभव करके दिखायें |
कुछ लोगो का ध्यान बिना कारण के भी भटकता रहता है और कुछ लोग कितने भी कारण पैदा होने के बाद भी अपने ध्यान को नहीं भटकने देते |
👉🏿कितने भी Distraction के बीच अपने Goals कि तरफ Attract रहना सीखें और असंभव को संभव करके दिखायें |
कुछ लोग अपने Emotions के कारण बर्बाद हो जाते हैं और कुछ लोग अपने Emotions के कारण ही आबाद हो जाते हैं |
👉🏿अपने Emotions को अपने Favour में इस्तेमाल करना सीखिये और अपने जीवन में Fulfilment को अनुभव कीजिये – साथ ही आप 24*7 Super Charge/ Energetic रह पायेंगे|
कुछ लोग अपने Emotions के कारण बर्बाद हो जाते हैं और कुछ लोग अपने Emotions के कारण ही आबाद हो जाते हैं |
👉🏿अपने Emotions को अपने Favour में इस्तेमाल करना सीखिये और अपने जीवन में Fulfilment को अनुभव कीजिये – साथ ही आप 24*7 Super Charge/ Energetic रह पायेंगे|
कुछ लोग थोड़ी सी बुलंदियों पर पहुँच कर गुब्बारे से फूल जाते हैं और ये लोग सबसे बड़े Fool कहलाते है और कुछ जितना आगे बढ़ते हैं उतने विनम्र होते चले जाते हैं |
👉🏿 दूसरों का अपमान किये बिना अपने स्वाभिमान की रक्षा करना सीखिये – Ego को नीचे रखना और अपने जीवन स्तर को ऊपर उठाना सीखिये |
कुछ लोग थोड़ी सी बुलंदियों पर पहुँच कर गुब्बारे से फूल जाते हैं और ये लोग सबसे बड़े Fool कहलाते है और कुछ जितना आगे बढ़ते हैं उतने विनम्र होते चले जाते हैं |
👉🏿 दूसरों का अपमान किये बिना अपने स्वाभिमान की रक्षा करना सीखिये – Ego को नीचे रखना और अपने जीवन स्तर को ऊपर उठाना सीखिये |
कुछ लोगों को बिना किसी बात पर भी गुस्सा आता है और कुछ लोग बड़ी से बड़ी बात भी आसानी से सहन कर जाते हैं |
👉🏿 अपने Reactions को Response में Transform करके अपने आपको एक Strong Character में Transform कीजिये |
कुछ लोगों को बिना किसी बात पर भी गुस्सा आता है और कुछ लोग बड़ी से बड़ी बात भी आसानी से सहन कर जाते हैं |
👉🏿 अपने Reactions को Response में Transform करके अपने आपको एक Strong Character में Transform कीजिये |
कुछ लोग जिन्दगी में सब कुछ अच्छा होने पर भी तनाव में रहते हैं और कुछ लोग कमियों में भी मुस्कुराते हैं |
👉🏿 अपने आपको Unwanted Stress से बचायें Healthy, Productive और मुस्कुराती जिन्दगी पायें |
कुछ लोग जिन्दगी में सब कुछ अच्छा होने पर भी तनाव में रहते हैं और कुछ लोग कमियों में भी मुस्कुराते हैं |
👉🏿 अपने आपको Unwanted Stress से बचायें Healthy, Productive और मुस्कुराती जिन्दगी पायें |
कुछ लोग आपदा में भी अवसर खोज लेते हैं और कुछ लोग अवसर को भी आपदा में बदल देते हैं, सीखिये किस तरह से Super Achievers हर Problem को Opportunity में Convert करते हैं और दुनिया के लिये Inspiration बन जाते हैं|
👉🏿 अपनी सभी समस्याओं को भी Opportunistic Approach से देखना और उन्हें अपने Favour में Use करना सीखें |
कुछ लोग आपदा में भी अवसर खोज लेते हैं और कुछ लोग अवसर को भी आपदा में बदल देते हैं, सीखिये किस तरह से Super Achievers हर Problem को Opportunity में Convert करते हैं और दुनिया के लिये Inspiration बन जाते हैं|
👉🏿 अपनी सभी समस्याओं को भी Opportunistic Approach से देखना और उन्हें अपने Favour में Use करना सीखें |
कुछ लोग जिन्दगी भर परिस्थितियों का रोना रोते रहते हैं और कुछ लोग उन्हीं परिस्थितियों से निकलकर ऊँची उड़ान भरते हैं|
👉🏿अपनी परिस्थितियों को अपनी कमजोरी नहीं अपनी ताकत बनाना सीखें क्योंकि कुछ लोग विपत्तियों में बिखर जाते हैं और कुछ लोग निखर जाते हैं |
कुछ लोग जिन्दगी भर परिस्थितियों का रोना रोते रहते हैं और कुछ लोग उन्हीं परिस्थितियों से निकलकर ऊँची उड़ान भरते हैं|
👉🏿अपनी परिस्थितियों को अपनी कमजोरी नहीं अपनी ताकत बनाना सीखें क्योंकि कुछ लोग विपत्तियों में बिखर जाते हैं और कुछ लोग निखर जाते हैं |
कुछ लोग Confusion से भरे होते हैं और कोई निर्णय ही नहीं ले पाते, कुछ लोग Confidence से भरे होते हैं और बड़े से बड़ा निर्णय चुटकी में ले लेते हैं |
👉🏿कठिन से कठिन स्थितियों में भी Balanced Approach को Maintain करते हुये सटीक व दृढ निर्णय लेने में महारथ हासिल करें क्योंकि एक गलत निर्णय आपकी जिन्दगी को परेशानी में डाल सकता है |
कुछ लोग Confusion से भरे होते हैं और कोई निर्णय ही नहीं ले पाते, कुछ लोग Confidence से भरे होते हैं और बड़े से बड़ा निर्णय चुटकी में ले लेते हैं |
👉🏿कठिन से कठिन स्थितियों में भी Balanced Approach को Maintain करते हुये सटीक व दृढ निर्णय लेने में महारथ हासिल करें क्योंकि एक गलत निर्णय आपकी जिन्दगी को परेशानी में डाल सकता है |
कुछ लोग छोटे से व्यापार को भी ऊँचाइयों तक ले जाते हैं और कुछ लोग जिन्दगी भर वहीँ रह जाते हैं या डूब जाते हैं|
👉🏿 सीखिये Top Entrepreneurial Traits और अपने आपका व अपने Resources का Optimal Utilisation करना सीखिये |
कुछ लोग छोटे से व्यापार को भी ऊँचाइयों तक ले जाते हैं और कुछ लोग जिन्दगी भर वहीँ रह जाते हैं या डूब जाते हैं|
👉🏿 सीखिये Top Entrepreneurial Traits और अपने आपका व अपने Resources का Optimal Utilisation करना सीखिये |
कुछ लोग वाद – विवाद को जन्म देने में और उन्हें बडा करने में Master होते हैं और कुछ लोग बड़े से बड़े विवाद का हल चुटकियों में निकालने में Master होते हैं |
👉🏿 Avoiding & Resolving Conflicts Skills में Mastery Achieve करके आप Difficult Persons & Situations को Handle करने में Master बन जायेंगे |
कुछ लोग वाद – विवाद को जन्म देने में और उन्हें बडा करने में Master होते हैं और कुछ लोग बड़े से बड़े विवाद का हल चुटकियों में निकालने में Master होते हैं |
👉🏿 Avoiding & Resolving Conflicts Skills में Mastery Achieve करके आप Difficult Persons & Situations को Handle करने में Master बन जायेंगे |
कुछ लोग खुद काम करने में अच्छे होते हैं लेकिन दूसरों से काम नहीं करवा पाते और कुछ लोग दूसरों से काम करवाने में भी Master होते हैं |
👉🏿 अपने आपको Next Level Impressive & Influential बनायें जिससे आप लोगों से उनका Best Output लेना सीख सकें |
कुछ लोग खुद काम करने में अच्छे होते हैं लेकिन दूसरों से काम नहीं करवा पाते और कुछ लोग दूसरों से काम करवाने में भी Master होते हैं |
👉🏿 अपने आपको Next Level Impressive & Influential बनायें जिससे आप लोगों से उनका Best Output लेना सीख सकें |
बहुत सारे लोग दुनिया में आते हैं और चले जाते हैं और कुछ लोग जाने से पहले दुनिया में अपना नाम कर जाते हैं |
👉🏿अपनी Mental Toughness को बढायें हर परिस्थिति में Self-Motivated रहकर Legend की तरह जीना सीख जायें |
बहुत सारे लोग दुनिया में आते हैं और चले जाते हैं और कुछ लोग जाने से पहले दुनिया में अपना नाम कर जाते हैं |
👉🏿अपनी Mental Toughness को बढायें हर परिस्थिति में Self-Motivated रहकर Legend की तरह जीना सीख जायें |
कुछ लोग छोटी सी बात की बड़ी कहानी बना देते हैं और कुछ लोग बड़ी से बड़ी बात को मुस्कुरा कर भुला देते हैं
👉🏿Overthinking से छुटकारा पाकर Live in Present को Life का हिस्सा बनायें आप पायेंगे कि Life में उतनी समस्या नहीं हैं जितनी आपके दिमाग में थी | आप Baggage Free जिन्दगी जीना सीख जायेंगे |
कुछ लोग छोटी सी बात की बड़ी कहानी बना देते हैं और कुछ लोग बड़ी से बड़ी बात को मुस्कुरा कर भुला देते हैं
👉🏿Overthinking से छुटकारा पाकर Live in Present को Life का हिस्सा बनायें आप पायेंगे कि Life में उतनी समस्या नहीं हैं जितनी आपके दिमाग में थी | आप Baggage Free जिन्दगी जीना सीख जायेंगे |
कुछ लोग छोटी सी बात की बड़ी कहानी बना देते हैं और कुछ लोग बड़ी से बड़ी बात को मुस्कुरा कर भुला देते हैं
👉🏿Overthinking से छुटकारा पाकर Live in Present को Life का हिस्सा बनायें आप पायेंगे कि Life में उतनी समस्या नहीं हैं जितनी आपके दिमाग में थी | आप Baggage Free जिन्दगी जीना सीख जायेंगे |
कुछ लोग छोटी सी बात की बड़ी कहानी बना देते हैं और कुछ लोग बड़ी से बड़ी बात को मुस्कुरा कर भुला देते हैं
👉🏿Overthinking से छुटकारा पाकर Live in Present को Life का हिस्सा बनायें आप पायेंगे कि Life में उतनी समस्या नहीं हैं जितनी आपके दिमाग में थी | आप Baggage Free जिन्दगी जीना सीख जायेंगे |
कुछ लोग बिना माँगे – अनावश्यक सलाह देने में Expert होते हैं, और कुछ लोग जितनी जरुरत हो सिर्फ उतना बोलते हैं | अपने काम से काम रखना दुनिया का सबसे मुश्किल काम है |
👉🏿Constructive Criticism Skill के माध्यम से कब कहाँ कितना बोलना है, ये सीखिये और अपनी जिन्दगी में “आ बैल मुझे मार” वाली स्थिति से बचिये और साथ ही अपनी बातों की Value Increase कीजिये|
कुछ लोग बिना माँगे – अनावश्यक सलाह देने में Expert होते हैं, और कुछ लोग जितनी जरुरत हो सिर्फ उतना बोलते हैं | अपने काम से काम रखना दुनिया का सबसे मुश्किल काम है |
👉🏿Constructive Criticism Skill के माध्यम से कब कहाँ कितना बोलना है, ये सीखिये और अपनी जिन्दगी में “आ बैल मुझे मार” वाली स्थिति से बचिये और साथ ही अपनी बातों की Value Increase कीजिये|
कुछ लोगों की बातें मनोबल बढ़ा देती हैं और कुछ लोगों की बातें मनोबल गिरा देती हैं |
👉🏿 अपने अन्दर Motivator के Traits Develop करें दुनिया के लिये Energy Vampire कि जगह Energy Booster बनें |
कुछ लोगों की बातें मनोबल बढ़ा देती हैं और कुछ लोगों की बातें मनोबल गिरा देती हैं |
👉🏿 अपने अन्दर Motivator के Traits Develop करें दुनिया के लिये Energy Vampire कि जगह Energy Booster बनें |
कुछ लोग अपनों के बीच भी अपनी बात नहीं रख पाते और कुछ लोग जहाँ जाते हैं वहीँ रंग जमा देते हैं |
👉🏿 अपने Aura को Wider व Radiant बनाकर Super Impressive/ Charming बनें|
कुछ लोग अपनों के बीच भी अपनी बात नहीं रख पाते और कुछ लोग जहाँ जाते हैं वहीँ रंग जमा देते हैं |
👉🏿 अपने Aura को Wider व Radiant बनाकर Super Impressive/ Charming बनें|
कुछ लोगों का अपने Screen Time के ऊपर Control है और कुछ लोगों के ऊपर Screen Time का Control है |
👉🏿अपने Screen Time को Alter कर Productive Life Style Follow करना सीखें और Mental Health को Better करें |
कुछ लोगों का अपने Screen Time के ऊपर Control है और कुछ लोगों के ऊपर Screen Time का Control है |
👉🏿अपने Screen Time को Alter कर Productive Life Style Follow करना सीखें और Mental Health को Better करें |
कुछ लोगों को ज्यादा कुछ भी नहीं आता फिर भी मानते हैं की उन्हें सब कुछ आता है, और कुछ लोगों को बहुत कुछ आता है फिर भी हमेशा सीखने को तैयार रहते हैं|
👉🏿I Know Syndrome से बाहर आयें और Lifetime Student Approach को अपनायें और रोज अपने आपको अपना बेहतर Version बनायें |
कुछ लोगों को ज्यादा कुछ भी नहीं आता फिर भी मानते हैं की उन्हें सब कुछ आता है, और कुछ लोगों को बहुत कुछ आता है फिर भी हमेशा सीखने को तैयार रहते हैं|
👉🏿I Know Syndrome से बाहर आयें और Lifetime Student Approach को अपनायें और रोज अपने आपको अपना बेहतर Version बनायें |
कुछ लोग Past में उलझे रह जाते हैं और कुछ लोग भविष्य का निर्माण कर जाते हैं |
👉🏿 एक Visionary Person की तरह सोचना सीखें और अपने लिये व राष्ट्र के लिये बेहतर कल का निर्माण करें |
कुछ लोग Past में उलझे रह जाते हैं और कुछ लोग भविष्य का निर्माण कर जाते हैं |
👉🏿 एक Visionary Person की तरह सोचना सीखें और अपने लिये व राष्ट्र के लिये बेहतर कल का निर्माण करें |
कुछ लोग अपनी निंदा से घबराते हैं और कुछ लोग अपनी निंदा को ही अपनी सफलता की सीढियां बनाते हैं |
👉🏿सीखें किस तरह अपनी Criticism को सफलता की सीढि बनाते हैं और Unstoppable & Limitless Growth Achieve करते हैं |
कुछ लोग अपनी निंदा से घबराते हैं और कुछ लोग अपनी निंदा को ही अपनी सफलता की सीढियां बनाते हैं |
👉🏿सीखें किस तरह अपनी Criticism को सफलता की सीढि बनाते हैं और Unstoppable & Limitless Growth Achieve करते हैं |
कुछ लोग दिल से उतर जाते हैं और कुछ लोग दिल में उतर जाते हैं |
👉🏿 अपने आपको Super Charismatic व Influential बनाकर जबरदस्त Attention Grabber बनें |
कुछ लोग दिल से उतर जाते हैं और कुछ लोग दिल में उतर जाते हैं |
👉🏿 अपने आपको Super Charismatic व Influential बनाकर जबरदस्त Attention Grabber बनें |
कुछ लोग हाथ में आये हुए अवसर भी गँवा देते हैं और कुछ लोग हर अवसर को Encash कर लेते हैं |
👉🏿 सीखें सही समय पर सही निर्णय कैसे लिये जाते हैं व Threats को Opportunity में कैसे Convert किया जाता है|
कुछ लोग हाथ में आये हुए अवसर भी गँवा देते हैं और कुछ लोग हर अवसर को Encash कर लेते हैं |
👉🏿 सीखें सही समय पर सही निर्णय कैसे लिये जाते हैं व Threats को Opportunity में कैसे Convert किया जाता है|
इन Skills को सीखकर आप भी Most Successful लोगों के Club में शामिल हो सकते हैं |
इन Skills को सीखकर आप भी Most Successful लोगों के Club में शामिल हो सकते हैं |
इन Skills को सीखकर आप भी Most Successful लोगों के Club में शामिल हो सकते हैं |
Our program covers all aspects of the Certified Personality & Soft Skill Development Course, from effective communication and presentation skills to best Leadership Techniques. We provide a comprehensive curriculum that ensures you develop the necessary skills and knowledge to excel as a radiant personality. Our curriculum is entirely research-based.
After years of research and experience, Pragya Institute of Personality Development, "The initiator of A to Z of personality development and life skill management," developed highly customized and highly effective Personality Development Courses. This course is designed Under the guidance of world-renowned Personality Development Guru and World Record Holder- Mr Saurabh Jain.
✔️Our team has done robust scientific research. The curriculum is designed under the guidelines of the world's best coaches and mentors.
✔️Our chief trainer Mr Saurabh Jain spent about 40,000 hours learning all these skills, and approximately he paid Rs. 40 lacks to learn all these world-class techniques. Mr Saurabh Jain is trained by the world’s top Personal Growth Trainer.
✔️Saurabh Jain has read more than 1000 self-help books written by world-renowned authors. He used all his learnings in designing this course.
✔️Saurabh Jain has used his 21+ years of professional experience in designing this course.
✔️Saurabh Jain holds a higher designation in many social organizations. He has used all his social experience in designing this course.
✔️Saurabh Jain has taken over 5000 interviews; he used his experience in designing this course.
✔️Saurabh Jain has taken 5000 + sessions and touched more than 150000 lives
✔️Saurabh Jain has used all his learnings and vast experience to develop such a fantastic course.
We can guarantee that our course is something beyond your imagination. If you are looking for the best, stop searching anymore because you are at the right place.
"Our course is merely not a course; It is a way to Exponential Growth."
Our program covers all aspects of the Certified Personality & Soft Skill Development Course, from effective communication and presentation skills to best Leadership Techniques. We provide a comprehensive curriculum that ensures you develop the necessary skills and knowledge to excel as a radiant personality. Our curriculum is entirely research-based.
After years of research and experience, Pragya Institute of Personality Development, "The initiator of A to Z of personality development and life skill management," developed highly customized and highly effective Personality Development Courses. This course is designed Under the guidance of world-renowned Personality Development Guru and World Record Holder- Mr Saurabh Jain.
✔️Our team has done robust scientific research. The curriculum is designed under the guidelines of the world's best coaches and mentors.
✔️Our chief trainer Mr Saurabh Jain spent about 40,000 hours learning all these skills, and approximately he paid Rs. 40 lacks to learn all these world-class techniques. Mr Saurabh Jain is trained by the world’s top Personal Growth Trainer.
✔️Saurabh Jain has read more than 1000 self-help books written by world-renowned authors. He used all his learnings in designing this course.
✔️Saurabh Jain has used his 21+ years of professional experience in designing this course.
✔️Saurabh Jain holds a higher designation in many social organizations. He has used all his social experience in designing this course.
✔️Saurabh Jain has taken over 5000 interviews; he used his experience in designing this course.
✔️Saurabh Jain has taken 5000 + sessions and touched more than 150000 lives
✔️Saurabh Jain has used all his learnings and vast experience to develop such a fantastic course.
We can guarantee that our course is something beyond your imagination. If you are looking for the best, stop searching anymore because you are at the right place.
"Our course is merely not a course; It is a way to Exponential Growth."
Topic 1: Introduce Yourself Effectively: Stand Out from the Crowd through highly structured worksheets and techniques.
Topic 2: Presentation by Students & Feedback by Faculty
Topic 3: Confidence Boosting: Embrace Your True Power through Confidence
Building Hacks & Activities - "As Soon as You Trust Yourself, You Will Know How to Live." Johann
Topic 4: Building Positive Attitude: Transform Your Mindset Today Developing a Positive Attitude through Negative Belief Breaking Exercises
Topic 5: Excellence Unleashed: Develop a Winning Mindset and Reach Your Goals Through Mindset Shift and Various Activities
Topic 6: Unlock a World of Opportunities: Enhance Your Social Connectivity Score with Networking Skills. The network is net worth
Topic 7: Unlock Success with Strategic Relationships: Reputation and Relationship Management with our easy-to-use reputation and relationship management solution.
Topic 8: Mastering the Art of Active Listening: Boost Your Communication Skill Hence Success
Topic 9: Unleash Your Inner Sherlock Holmes: Sharpen Your Observation Skills and Picture Perception Abilities
Topic 10: Harness the Power of Perception Management to Excel Personal Growth
Topic 11: Implementation Review for Driving Results and Achieving Goals & S J Special Talk Show
Topic 12: Power of Body Language Secrets: Master Nonverbal Communication for Charismatic Personality
Topic 13: Content Creating Prodigy: Unlock Your Potential with Mastery: Creative Content Creating Exercises
Topic 14: Poster Presentation Competition: Showcase Your Talents and Win Big
Topic 15: Show Your Talent and Be the Star You Were Meant to Be!
Topic 16: The Power of Verbal Communication: Unlock Your Potential Today
Topic 17: Intonation Techniques: Unlock the Magic for Enhanced Presence
Topic 18: From Chaos to Order: Organizational Tips for Maintaining Consistency in Your Life.
Topic 19. From Nervous to Fearless: Practical Methods to Overcome Stage Anxiety
Topic 20. Finding Your Voice: Unleashing Your Convictions through Effective Communication
Topic 21. Implementation Review for Driving Results and Achieving Goals & S J Special Talk Show
Topic 22. Developing Problem-Solving Skills: A Step-by-Step Guide. Comprehensive guidance to mastering problem-solving skills.
Topic 23. From Boring to Brilliant: Enhancing Presentation Skills with Dynamic Techniques & Slide Creating Skills.
Topic 24: Case Study Competition & Its Review: Nailing the Delivery: Public Speaking Tips for Case Study Presentations
Topic 25: Indoor Sports Tournaments: A Fun and Engaging Way to Stay Active
Topic 26: From Ordinary to Extraordinary: How to Transform Your Stories with Effective Storytelling Techniques.
Topic 27: Crafting Compelling Stories: A Step-by-Step Guide to Capturing Your Reader's Imagination
Topic 28: Storytelling Competitions: Inspiring Stories That Will Leave a Lasting Impression
Topic 29: Harnessing Diversity in Group Discussions: Strategies for Inclusive and Productive Conversations - A Step-by-Step Approach
Topic 30. Group Discussion Competition: Stand Out in a Group Discussion Competition
Topic 31. Implementation Review for Driving Results and Achieving Goals & S J Special Talk Show
Topic 32. Speaking with Impact: Strategies to Deliver Memorable Speech - Proven Public Speaking Techniques.
Topic 33. Mastering the Art of Extempore Speaking: Tips and Techniques & Building Confidence in Extempore Competitions: Mental Preparation Techniques. Extempore Competition
Topic 34. Winning Hearts and Minds: Techniques for Connecting with Your Audience in Debates. Debate Competition
Topic 35. Discovering Your Unique Gifts: How to Tap into Your Inner Talents
Topic 36. Unleashing Your Creativity: How to Generate Catchy Slogans. Slogan Writing Competition
Topic 37. Unlocking Your Funny Bone: Techniques for Enhancing Your Sense of Humor
Topic 38. Effective Strategies for Writing Skit Scripts that Engage Your Audience
Topic 39. Skit Performance: Engage and Entertain Your Audience during a Skit Performance
Topic 40. The Language of Expressions: Why Mime is a Universal Art & Breaking Stereotypes: Exploring Gender Roles in Mono Acting.
Topic 41. Implementation Review for Driving Results and Achieving Goals & S J Special Talk Show
Topic 42. How to Handle Q&A Sessions Like a Pro in a Talk Show - Practice Talk Show
Topic 43. Craft an Impactful Speech for a Public Speaking Championship
Topic 44. Mastering the Skill of Constructive Criticism: How to Provide Feedback that Inspires Improvement
Topic 45. Volunteers in Social Welfare Activities
Topic 46. Mastering Negotiating a Win-Win: How to Create Mutually Beneficial Agreements
Topic 47. The Gentle Decline: Polite Ways to Say No Without Burning Bridges
Topic 48. Essential Etiquette Rules for Every Social Setting
Topic 49. Dressing for Success: How Your Wardrobe Choices Can Impact Your Career
Topic 50. Mastering the Habits of Champions: A Step-By-Step Guide
Topic 51. Implementation Review for Driving Results and Achieving Goals & S J Special Talk Show.
Topic 52. Unlocking Your Emotional Intelligence: Strategies for Self-Awareness - Stress Management & Improve Mental Health.
Topic 53. How to Develop Emotional Intelligence for Personal Growth - Overcome Ego & Anger Issues
Topic 54. The Benefits of Financial Education: Empowering Yourself for a Better Future
Topic 55. Get in Gear: Strategies for Enhancing Your Outdoor Activities. Participation in Outdoor Activities
Topic 56. The Perils of Overthinking: How to Break Free from Analysis Paralysis
Topic 57. SRT: The Ultimate Guide to Navigating Challenging Situations
Topic 58. The Art of Effective Decision Making: A Step-by-Step Guide
Topic 59. The Art of Prioritization: Mastering Time Management & Overcoming
Procrastination: Time Management Tips for Getting Things Done.
Topic 60. The Power of Deep Work: Unlocking Your Productivity Potential
Topic 61. Implementation Review for Driving Results and Achieving Goals & S J Special Talk Show
Topic 62. From Strangers to Allies: Team Building Exercises for New Teams
Topic 63. Fun and Effective Team Building Exercises for Improved Collaboration
Topic 64. Leading by Example: The Power of Authenticity in Influential Leadership
Topic 65. Proven Interview Tips to Land Your Dream Job & The Art of Crafted CVs: How to Stand Out from the Competition
Topic 66. Enhancing Your Interview Skills Through Mock Interview Practice
Topic 1: Introduce Yourself Effectively: Stand Out from the Crowd through highly structured worksheets and techniques.
Topic 2: Presentation by Students & Feedback by Faculty
Topic 3: Confidence Boosting: Embrace Your True Power through Confidence
Building Hacks & Activities - "As Soon as You Trust Yourself, You Will Know How to Live." Johann
Topic 4: Building Positive Attitude: Transform Your Mindset Today Developing a Positive Attitude through Negative Belief Breaking Exercises
Topic 5: Excellence Unleashed: Develop a Winning Mindset and Reach Your Goals Through Mindset Shift and Various Activities
Topic 6: Unlock a World of Opportunities: Enhance Your Social Connectivity Score with Networking Skills. The network is net worth
Topic 7: Unlock Success with Strategic Relationships: Reputation and Relationship Management with our easy-to-use reputation and relationship management solution.
Topic 8: Mastering the Art of Active Listening: Boost Your Communication Skill Hence Success
Topic 9: Unleash Your Inner Sherlock Holmes: Sharpen Your Observation Skills and Picture Perception Abilities
Topic 10: Harness the Power of Perception Management to Excel Personal Growth
Topic 11: Implementation Review for Driving Results and Achieving Goals & S J Special Talk Show
Topic 12: Power of Body Language Secrets: Master Nonverbal Communication for Charismatic Personality
Topic 13: Content Creating Prodigy: Unlock Your Potential with Mastery: Creative Content Creating Exercises
Topic 14: Poster Presentation Competition: Showcase Your Talents and Win Big
Topic 15: Show Your Talent and Be the Star You Were Meant to Be!
Topic 16: The Power of Verbal Communication: Unlock Your Potential Today
Topic 17: Intonation Techniques: Unlock the Magic for Enhanced Presence
Topic 18: From Chaos to Order: Organizational Tips for Maintaining Consistency in Your Life.
Topic 19. From Nervous to Fearless: Practical Methods to Overcome Stage Anxiety
Topic 20. Finding Your Voice: Unleashing Your Convictions through Effective Communication
Topic 21. Implementation Review for Driving Results and Achieving Goals & S J Special Talk Show
Topic 22. Developing Problem-Solving Skills: A Step-by-Step Guide. Comprehensive guidance to mastering problem-solving skills.
Topic 23. From Boring to Brilliant: Enhancing Presentation Skills with Dynamic Techniques & Slide Creating Skills.
Topic 24: Case Study Competition & Its Review: Nailing the Delivery: Public Speaking Tips for Case Study Presentations
Topic 25: Indoor Sports Tournaments: A Fun and Engaging Way to Stay Active
Topic 26: From Ordinary to Extraordinary: How to Transform Your Stories with Effective Storytelling Techniques.
Topic 27: Crafting Compelling Stories: A Step-by-Step Guide to Capturing Your Reader's Imagination
Topic 28: Storytelling Competitions: Inspiring Stories That Will Leave a Lasting Impression
Topic 29: Harnessing Diversity in Group Discussions: Strategies for Inclusive and Productive Conversations - A Step-by-Step Approach
Topic 30. Group Discussion Competition: Stand Out in a Group Discussion Competition
Topic 31. Implementation Review for Driving Results and Achieving Goals & S J Special Talk Show
Topic 32. Speaking with Impact: Strategies to Deliver Memorable Speech - Proven Public Speaking Techniques.
Topic 33. Mastering the Art of Extempore Speaking: Tips and Techniques & Building Confidence in Extempore Competitions: Mental Preparation Techniques. Extempore Competition
Topic 34. Winning Hearts and Minds: Techniques for Connecting with Your Audience in Debates. Debate Competition
Topic 35. Discovering Your Unique Gifts: How to Tap into Your Inner Talents
Topic 36. Unleashing Your Creativity: How to Generate Catchy Slogans. Slogan Writing Competition
Topic 37. Unlocking Your Funny Bone: Techniques for Enhancing Your Sense of Humor
Topic 38. Effective Strategies for Writing Skit Scripts that Engage Your Audience
Topic 39. Skit Performance: Engage and Entertain Your Audience during a Skit Performance
Topic 40. The Language of Expressions: Why Mime is a Universal Art & Breaking Stereotypes: Exploring Gender Roles in Mono Acting.
Topic 41. Implementation Review for Driving Results and Achieving Goals & S J Special Talk Show
Topic 42. How to Handle Q&A Sessions Like a Pro in a Talk Show - Practice Talk Show
Topic 43. Craft an Impactful Speech for a Public Speaking Championship
Topic 44. Mastering the Skill of Constructive Criticism: How to Provide Feedback that Inspires Improvement
Topic 45. Volunteers in Social Welfare Activities
Topic 46. Mastering Negotiating a Win-Win: How to Create Mutually Beneficial Agreements
Topic 47. The Gentle Decline: Polite Ways to Say No Without Burning Bridges
Topic 48. Essential Etiquette Rules for Every Social Setting
Topic 49. Dressing for Success: How Your Wardrobe Choices Can Impact Your Career
Topic 50. Mastering the Habits of Champions: A Step-By-Step Guide
Topic 51. Implementation Review for Driving Results and Achieving Goals & S J Special Talk Show.
Topic 52. Unlocking Your Emotional Intelligence: Strategies for Self-Awareness - Stress Management & Improve Mental Health.
Topic 53. How to Develop Emotional Intelligence for Personal Growth - Overcome Ego & Anger Issues
Topic 54. The Benefits of Financial Education: Empowering Yourself for a Better Future
Topic 55. Get in Gear: Strategies for Enhancing Your Outdoor Activities. Participation in Outdoor Activities
Topic 56. The Perils of Overthinking: How to Break Free from Analysis Paralysis
Topic 57. SRT: The Ultimate Guide to Navigating Challenging Situations
Topic 58. The Art of Effective Decision Making: A Step-by-Step Guide
Topic 59. The Art of Prioritization: Mastering Time Management & Overcoming
Procrastination: Time Management Tips for Getting Things Done.
Topic 60. The Power of Deep Work: Unlocking Your Productivity Potential
Topic 61. Implementation Review for Driving Results and Achieving Goals & S J Special Talk Show
Topic 62. From Strangers to Allies: Team Building Exercises for New Teams
Topic 63. Fun and Effective Team Building Exercises for Improved Collaboration
Topic 64. Leading by Example: The Power of Authenticity in Influential Leadership
Topic 65. Proven Interview Tips to Land Your Dream Job & The Art of Crafted CVs: How to Stand Out from the Competition
Topic 66. Enhancing Your Interview Skills Through Mock Interview Practice
We believe in the power of implementation. Our courses focus on practical learning, allowing students to apply the concepts they learn in real-life situations. This hands-on approach ensures effective skill development and long-term retention. Our Methodology is an excellent blend of Science and Psychology. This hands-on approach enables you to develop the confidence and competence required to deliver the best.
Complete Training Methodology
Learn World-Class Skills
"Tell me, and I will listen; Teach me, and I'll remember; Involve me, and I will learn."
Benjamin Franklin
1. Classroom training/ Workshop - Interactive session: World-Class PowerPoint Presentation with word-class learning content, Jokes, Stories, Videos, Movies, etc.
2. Comprehensive workbook/ worksheets on each topic
3. Logbook to measure progress
4. Pre- and post-assessment
5. Multiple games/ activities on each topic
6. Conduct Psychometric tests to know your current level on each skill.
7. Case study-based learning - Case studies discussion
8. Situation analysis to establish cause and effect relationships.
9. Group Roleplays/ Skit
10. Mono acting
11. Pantomime
12. Extempore
13. Panel discussion
14. Group discussion
15. Current affairs
16. Debate
17. Story Telling
18. Presentation
19. Speech and Express ideas
20. Formal and informal conversations
21. A lot of fun activities
22. Happy news concept
23. Brain Activities
24. Learn through observation
25. Creative and innovative exercise daily
26. Quiz
27. One question you must ask yourself daily method
28. Myth and Facts
29. Hand-holding to weak participants.
30. One-to-one focus - Only 10 to 15 participants in each batch
31. Friendly and learning environment.
32. Diversity method - Learn from each other
33. Promote participant participation.
34. Resolve concerns - Full freedom to ask their doubts and queries.
35. Adapt a customised approach according to the needs of an individual or group.
36. Constant Review – Feedback – Improvement mechanism
37. Self-Training mode
38. Give Assignments/ Fun work and responsibilities to improve different skills.
39. Social learning method – Learn from real life
40. A lot of awards and rewards to participants
41. Organize individual counselling sessions - based on the requirement.
42. Motivational Seminars
43. Laser-sharp focus on Implementation
44. Internship based on the requirement
45. Follow-ups - Celebrate success and share in the community.
46. Lifetime support to our participants
47. Our Specialty: Our Talk Shows
48. Our Specialty: Talk Show with SJ
49. Content Creation Competition
50. Pragya Think Tank
51. Advertisement Creation and Presentation
52. Anchoring Competition
53. Conduct an Effective Meeting
54. Endless…
We believe in the power of implementation. Our courses focus on practical learning, allowing students to apply the concepts they learn in real-life situations. This hands-on approach ensures effective skill development and long-term retention. Our Methodology is an excellent blend of Science and Psychology. This hands-on approach enables you to develop the confidence and competence required to deliver the best.
Complete Training Methodology
Learn World-Class Skills
"Tell me, and I will listen; Teach me, and I'll remember; Involve me, and I will learn."
Benjamin Franklin
1. Classroom training/ Workshop - Interactive session: World-Class PowerPoint Presentation with word-class learning content, Jokes, Stories, Videos, Movies, etc.
2. Comprehensive workbook/ worksheets on each topic
3. Logbook to measure progress
4. Pre- and post-assessment
5. Multiple games/ activities on each topic
6. Conduct Psychometric tests to know your current level on each skill.
7. Case study-based learning - Case studies discussion
8. Situation analysis to establish cause and effect relationships.
9. Group Roleplays/ Skit
10. Mono acting
11. Pantomime
12. Extempore
13. Panel discussion
14. Group discussion
15. Current affairs
16. Debate
17. Story Telling
18. Presentation
19. Speech and Express ideas
20. Formal and informal conversations
21. A lot of fun activities
22. Happy news concept
23. Brain Activities
24. Learn through observation
25. Creative and innovative exercise daily
26. Quiz
27. One question you must ask yourself daily method
28. Myth and Facts
29. Hand-holding to weak participants.
30. One-to-one focus - Only 10 to 15 participants in each batch
31. Friendly and learning environment.
32. Diversity method - Learn from each other
33. Promote participant participation.
34. Resolve concerns - Full freedom to ask their doubts and queries.
35. Adapt a customised approach according to the needs of an individual or group.
36. Constant Review – Feedback – Improvement mechanism
37. Self-Training mode
38. Give Assignments/ Fun work and responsibilities to improve different skills.
39. Social learning method – Learn from real life
40. A lot of awards and rewards to participants
41. Organize individual counselling sessions - based on the requirement.
42. Motivational Seminars
43. Laser-sharp focus on Implementation
44. Internship based on the requirement
45. Follow-ups - Celebrate success and share in the community.
46. Lifetime support to our participants
47. Our Specialty: Our Talk Shows
48. Our Specialty: Talk Show with SJ
49. Content Creation Competition
50. Pragya Think Tank
51. Advertisement Creation and Presentation
52. Anchoring Competition
53. Conduct an Effective Meeting
54. Endless…
As part of our program, we provide exclusive worksheets and activities related to each topic. These resources help you reinforce your learning, practice your skills, and deepen your understanding of the concepts taught during the course. This hands-on approach ensures you can immediately apply what you learned in your training sessions.
As part of our program, we provide exclusive worksheets and activities related to each topic. These resources help you reinforce your learning, practice your skills, and deepen your understanding of the concepts taught during the course. This hands-on approach ensures you can immediately apply what you learned in your training sessions.
Mr. Saurabh Jain, a highly experienced and renowned Certified Personality and Soft Skill Development Trainer, leads our Certified Personality & Soft Skill Development Course. With his expertise and intellectual brilliance, you can be assured of receiving top-notch guidance and training. Mr. Saurabh Jain. The instructor of the Certified Personality & Soft Skill Development Course , Harnessing the intellectual brilliance of the nine-world record. He is undoubtedly the world's best Mentor for the Certified Personality & Soft Skill Development Course. Students and professionals are benefited from his expertise and extensive experience in the field.
Mr Saurabh Jain is the founder of the Jaipur Learning Festival "Learning & Motivation का महाकुम्भ" In this event, Mr Saurabh Jain delivered a 24-hour non-stop (no water, no bio break, without the help of notes) speech. He presented his speech in the presence of more than 15,000 prominent audiences. 200+ national & international media houses published his success story.
Mr Saurabh Jain is also the founder of the "Kingdom of Wisdom."
Mr Saurabh Jain, Founder of Pragya Group of Institutions
🔶 Soft Skill Trainer: Mr Saurabh Jain has upskilled over 10,000 students, business leaders & business owners. He is a faculty for prestigious institutes like ICAI/ ICSI/ ICMAI. He takes sessions on more than 350+ topics.
🔶 Personal Growth Trainer/Self-Help Speaker: Everyone wishes to build their career, but what about growing as a person? Saurabh Jain took more than 250 sessions on personal growth—an exemplary contribution to eternal transformation. Saurabh Jain is a great counsellor; he understands people's real-life problems and has a solution-focused mindset. These qualities make him the best self-help speaker.
🔶 Life Skill Mentor: Saurabh Jain is a person who leads by example. As of now, he has addressed more than 20,000 audiences and facilitated them to transform their lives. His observations are meticulous.
Mr. Saurabh Jain, a highly experienced and renowned Certified Personality and Soft Skill Development Trainer, leads our Certified Personality & Soft Skill Development Course. With his expertise and intellectual brilliance, you can be assured of receiving top-notch guidance and training. Mr. Saurabh Jain. The instructor of the Certified Personality & Soft Skill Development Course , Harnessing the intellectual brilliance of the nine-world record. He is undoubtedly the world's best Mentor for the Certified Personality & Soft Skill Development Course. Students and professionals are benefited from his expertise and extensive experience in the field.
Mr Saurabh Jain is the founder of the Jaipur Learning Festival "Learning & Motivation का महाकुम्भ" In this event, Mr Saurabh Jain delivered a 24-hour non-stop (no water, no bio break, without the help of notes) speech. He presented his speech in the presence of more than 15,000 prominent audiences. 200+ national & international media houses published his success story.
Mr Saurabh Jain is also the founder of the "Kingdom of Wisdom."
Mr Saurabh Jain, Founder of Pragya Group of Institutions
🔶 Soft Skill Trainer: Mr Saurabh Jain has upskilled over 10,000 students, business leaders & business owners. He is a faculty for prestigious institutes like ICAI/ ICSI/ ICMAI. He takes sessions on more than 350+ topics.
🔶 Personal Growth Trainer/Self-Help Speaker: Everyone wishes to build their career, but what about growing as a person? Saurabh Jain took more than 250 sessions on personal growth—an exemplary contribution to eternal transformation. Saurabh Jain is a great counsellor; he understands people's real-life problems and has a solution-focused mindset. These qualities make him the best self-help speaker.
🔶 Life Skill Mentor: Saurabh Jain is a person who leads by example. As of now, he has addressed more than 20,000 audiences and facilitated them to transform their lives. His observations are meticulous.
4.9* Ratings by 2000+ people on the Google business page of Saurabh Jain.
4.9* Ratings by 2000+ people on the Google business page of Saurabh Jain.
Awarded with 200+ Eminent Titles
Awarded with 200+ Eminent Titles
Worked with Discovery Channel for a documentary named Belief.
Worked with Discovery Channel for a documentary named Belief.
Faculty President LBS College Kotputli 2000 – 2001
Faculty President LBS College Kotputli 2000 – 2001
Awarded as Best Co-Educational Boy of The Year - LBS College Kotputli 2000-2001
Awarded as Best Co-Educational Boy of The Year - LBS College Kotputli 2000-2001
Vice-Captain Inter College Cricket Team
Vice-Captain Inter College Cricket Team
Founder President of Shraman Shrut Seva Sansthan,
Founder President of Shraman Shrut Seva Sansthan,
President of Tapobhumi Praneta Welfare Foundation
President of Tapobhumi Praneta Welfare Foundation
Nominated as Assistant Trainer Rotary International District 3054 2023-2024
Nominated as Assistant Trainer Rotary International District 3054 2023-2024
Secretary-General of Digamber Jain Muni Seva Sangh
Secretary-General of Digamber Jain Muni Seva Sangh
Secretary Rajasthan Jain Yuva Mahasabha
Secretary Rajasthan Jain Yuva Mahasabha
Vice President of JSG Pearl – 2017 – 2019
Vice President of JSG Pearl – 2017 – 2019
Coordinator Leadership Committee JSGIF 2019-2021
Coordinator Leadership Committee JSGIF 2019-2021
Chief Coordinator Chatrurmas committee Barkat Nagar since 2010
Chief Coordinator Chatrurmas committee Barkat Nagar since 2010
Pragya Institute provides a world-class learning environment with the latest training facilities. Our institute adheres to international standards, ensuring you receive a seamless and immersive learning experience from Classroom to cutting edge. Technology in Training: In today's digital age, EVERYONE must be familiar with various tools and technologies to enhance training delivery. We cover multimedia, online platforms, and other technologies to create interactive and engaging training experiences. Students can expect a comfortable and conducive atmosphere for their growth journey.
Amenities We Offer at Pragya Institute of Personality Development
✔️Interactive Panel in the classroom.
✔️World-class podium
✔️Exemplary sound system
✔️Auditorium Quality Chair
✔️Buzzer on Each Chair
✔️Classic Boardroom
✔️A class of podium
✔️Separate Activity Room with 250+ Games
✔️Talk Show Sofas
✔️Air Conditioner Classrooms
✔️The ambience through light is impressive.
✔️Walls are Designed According to World-Class training methods.
✔️Interactive Panel in the classroom.
✔️World-class podium
✔️Exemplary sound system
✔️Auditorium Quality Chair
✔️Buzzer on Each Chair
✔️Classic Boardroom
✔️A class of podium
✔️Separate Activity Room with 250+ Games
✔️Talk Show Sofas
✔️Air Conditioner Classrooms
✔️The ambience through light is impressive.
✔️Walls are Designed According to World-Class training methods.
✔️World-class library with books worth more than a few lakhs rupees
✔️Kindle is available to read unlimited books.
✔️World-class library with books worth more than a few lakhs rupees
✔️Kindle is available to read unlimited books.
✔️ISO Certified Institute
✔️Only 10 to 15 Participants in one batch
✔️ISO Certified Institute
✔️Only 10 to 15 Participants in one batch
✔️Two-way live session facility
✔️Online session facility available
✔️Free Wi-Fi (300 Mbps) for participants.
✔️Two-way live session facility
✔️Online session facility available
✔️Free Wi-Fi (300 Mbps) for participants.
✔️Complete fire safety arrangement with A, B, C type and Electricity
✔️Highly secured premises – Complete premises under CCTV surveillance
✔️Complete fire safety arrangement with A, B, C type and Electricity
✔️Highly secured premises – Complete premises under CCTV surveillance
✔️A wholly modular and highly hygienic washroom
✔️Focus on providing fresh air -non-polluted airflow. Air Purifier & Fresh air plants
✔️High-quality acupressure instruments are available to keep participants energetic.
✔️A high-grade weighing machine available provides 14 significant reports related to health.
✔️Complete aromatic environment
✔️A wholly modular and highly hygienic washroom
✔️Focus on providing fresh air -non-polluted airflow. Air Purifier & Fresh air plants
✔️High-quality acupressure instruments are available to keep participants energetic.
✔️A high-grade weighing machine available provides 14 significant reports related to health.
✔️Complete aromatic environment
✔️Tea, coffee, cookies, detox water, cotton candy, Bhelpuri, Water-Balls, Juice, popcorn, and 50+ edibles are available for refreshment!
✔️Tea, coffee, cookies, detox water, cotton candy, Bhelpuri, Water-Balls, Juice, popcorn, and 50+ edibles are available for refreshment!
✔️24*7 Power backup
✔️24*7 Power backup
✔️24*7 Power backup
Saurabh Jain means "university of wisdom" One man with all the solutions. Best motivational speaker and personality guru. He is the best, and no one can match him. I have never seen such an inspirational speaker like him. Highly and strongly
Saurabh Jain means "university of wisdom" One man with all the solutions. Best motivational speaker and personality guru. He is the best, and no one can match him. I have never seen such an inspirational speaker like him. Highly and strongly
Mr Saurabh Jain is an excellent motivational speaker with vast experience in motivational talks. I attended his classes in my office training program. he is a fantastic speaker and has vast positive wisdom. his knowledge is commanding.
Mr Saurabh Jain is an excellent motivational speaker with vast experience in motivational talks. I attended his classes in my office training program. he is a fantastic speaker and has vast positive wisdom. his knowledge is commanding.
Today sir has taken a 3-hour session of newly qualified Chartered Accountants(CA) and future CAs under a program known as advance MCS and we are blessed by his presence. Sir has made our minds forced us to think and and helped us break our boundaries of thinking. Sir has immense knowledge and a very good understanding of human behaviour
Today sir has taken a 3-hour session of newly qualified Chartered Accountants(CA) and future CAs under a program known as advance MCS and we are blessed by his presence. Sir has made our minds forced us to think and and helped us break our boundaries of thinking. Sir has immense knowledge and a very good understanding of human behaviour
I am always grateful to have you as my mentor. You are my inspiration and role model. You have always guided me and showed me the right path to success. Thanks for making me what I am today. But I thank you, especially for changing my life
I am always grateful to have you as my mentor. You are my inspiration and role model. You have always guided me and showed me the right path to success. Thanks for making me what I am today. But I thank you, especially for changing my life
Saurabh sir is an updated version of humanity. The whole environment around them is always positive and pleasant. Saurabh sir has so much knowledge, including spiritual, moral religious... and so on different types. Sir is always out of the box and thinks deeply. Truly Saurabh sir is an Extraordinary Positive Personality. To be my teacher wholeheartedly Thank you Saurabh Sir*
Saurabh sir is an updated version of humanity. The whole environment around them is always positive and pleasant. Saurabh sir has so much knowledge, including spiritual, moral religious... and so on different types. Sir is always out of the box and thinks deeply. Truly Saurabh sir is an Extraordinary Positive Personality. To be my teacher wholeheartedly Thank you Saurabh Sir*
A trainer, coach, mentor, teacher, friend, guru, leader, and guiding light can't be better than Saurabh sir, he is truly inspirational. He is a like god on this planet, the way he is transforming the life of people. Saurabh sir is a lighting star in the era of darkness. Thank you sir for transforming my life. Truly you are a son Saraswati your knowledge is exemplary.
A trainer, coach, mentor, teacher, friend, guru, leader, and guiding light can't be better than Saurabh sir, he is truly inspirational. He is a like god on this planet, the way he is transforming the life of people. Saurabh sir is a lighting star in the era of darkness. Thank you sir for transforming my life. Truly you are a son Saraswati your knowledge is exemplary.
Saurav sir is a great personality, down to earth person, solution-oriented and a very positive person. I have learnt so many things from him and it's going to be very useful in life. Thank you "Saurav Sir"❤
Saurav sir is a great personality, down to earth person, solution-oriented and a very positive person. I have learnt so many things from him and it's going to be very useful in life. Thank you "Saurav Sir"❤
I am Puneet Garg: CA by profession for the last 15 years, but I have struggled with many issues related to my personality and profession.I was looking for a training centre for personality development, but everywhere there are spoken English classes.It may not sound nice, but these guys don't know the ABC of personality development. At the same time, Pragya Institute of Personality Development is where I learned and developed A to Z of personality development and life skill management.The unmatched place for learning. I
have never seen such great people and places before in my life. As CA, I must tell you that initially, you may feel that FEE is slightly higher when you compare it with others, but it much more than value for money.I would say FEE is nothing against what you will get here. I would strongly recommend people from any age group, and any purpose can come and join. Saurabh Sir has everything for everyone. @Saurabh Sir @Pragya Parivar - Thanks for turning my life.
By: CA Puneet Garg
I am Puneet Garg: CA by profession for the last 15 years, but I have struggled with many issues related to my personality and profession.I was looking for a training centre for personality development, but everywhere there are spoken English classes.It may not sound nice, but these guys don't know the ABC of personality development. At the same time, Pragya Institute of Personality Development is where I learned and developed A to Z of personality development and life skill management.The unmatched place for learning. I
have never seen such great people and places before in my life. As CA, I must tell you that initially, you may feel that FEE is slightly higher when you compare it with others, but it much more than value for money.I would say FEE is nothing against what you will get here. I would strongly recommend people from any age group, and any purpose can come and join. Saurabh Sir has everything for everyone. @Saurabh Sir @Pragya Parivar - Thanks for turning my life.
By: CA Puneet Garg
Hi Guys - Saurabh Rajput Here MA from Udaipur दोस्तों जिन्दगी भर सबके मजे लिये लेकिन जिन्दगी में पहली बार ऐसे व्यक्ति से मिला जिसने मेरे मजे ले लिये- उनके मजे लेने के अंदाज भी कुछ अलग था। पता ही नहीं चलता था कब मजे ले लिये - सर जिन्दगी भर आपके फुद्दू बनकर रहना चाहते हैं। दिल भी आपका - जिन्दगी भी आपकी - आपने जो जो सिखाया है और समझाया है उससे जिन्दगी में बड़ा परिवर्तन लेकर आया है. आप ना मिलते तो जिन्दगी यूँ ही निकल जाती - मुझे लग रहा था मैं जिन्दगी के मजे ले रहा हूँ लेकिन आपने अहसास करवाया जिन्दगी मेरे मजे ले रही थी। सौरभ सर आप कहते हैं ना सौरभ राजपूत तुझमें राजा बनने की क्षमता है - अब आपका ये शिष्य अपने गुरु की बात को सच साबित करके बतायेगा । तुझमें रब दिखता है गुरुवर मैं क्या करूँ । प्रज्ञा इंस्टिट्यूट सोच समझकर ज्वाइन करना - मुझे बदल दिया - तुम्हें भी बदल देगा - वो सर नहीं जादूगर हैं|
By : Saurabh Rajput
Hi Guys - Saurabh Rajput Here MA from Udaipur दोस्तों जिन्दगी भर सबके मजे लिये लेकिन जिन्दगी में पहली बार ऐसे व्यक्ति से मिला जिसने मेरे मजे ले लिये- उनके मजे लेने के अंदाज भी कुछ अलग था। पता ही नहीं चलता था कब मजे ले लिये - सर जिन्दगी भर आपके फुद्दू बनकर रहना चाहते हैं। दिल भी आपका - जिन्दगी भी आपकी - आपने जो जो सिखाया है और समझाया है उससे जिन्दगी में बड़ा परिवर्तन लेकर आया है. आप ना मिलते तो जिन्दगी यूँ ही निकल जाती - मुझे लग रहा था मैं जिन्दगी के मजे ले रहा हूँ लेकिन आपने अहसास करवाया जिन्दगी मेरे मजे ले रही थी। सौरभ सर आप कहते हैं ना सौरभ राजपूत तुझमें राजा बनने की क्षमता है - अब आपका ये शिष्य अपने गुरु की बात को सच साबित करके बतायेगा । तुझमें रब दिखता है गुरुवर मैं क्या करूँ । प्रज्ञा इंस्टिट्यूट सोच समझकर ज्वाइन करना - मुझे बदल दिया - तुम्हें भी बदल देगा - वो सर नहीं जादूगर हैं|
By : Saurabh Rajput
This institute is top institute for personality development and life skill management as they focus on A to Z of real personality development. This includes basic life skills, soft skills, communication skills, business skills etc. And whatever is need of the day... Mentor, Mr. Saurabh Jain and Ms. Rupali focus on needs of every individual in the class and train them accordingly. Whatever they teach you, they also train you how to implement it in your life. Many of us think that we know so much... the reality is that there is so much to learn and improve to be successful (at any age...) Mentor, Saurabh Jain Sir is Polymath yet a learner. All should attend this life changing magical course...And Success is sure to follow.
By: Dr Stuti Thaper
This institute is top institute for personality development and life skill management as they focus on A to Z of real personality development. This includes basic life skills, soft skills, communication skills, business skills etc. And whatever is need of the day... Mentor, Mr. Saurabh Jain and Ms. Rupali focus on needs of every individual in the class and train them accordingly. Whatever they teach you, they also train you how to implement it in your life. Many of us think that we know so much... the reality is that there is so much to learn and improve to be successful (at any age...) Mentor, Saurabh Jain Sir is Polymath yet a learner. All should attend this life changing magical course...And Success is sure to follow.
By: Dr Stuti Thaper
I am Kamlesh Kasera - I am a builder. I belong to a normal family. In my business, I earned handsome money but my communication and other behavioral skills were not very appropriate. My tone of voice was a big concern for me. Anger, anxiety, etc. were very common. I heard about Pragya Institute. My age is 50 years. There was hesitation too before joining but this place like Dreams Comes True. It was never expected such an amazing center in Jaipur. Saurabh Sir Tussi Great Ho.
By: Builder Kamlesh Kasera
Saurabh sir is good motivation speaker. I am doing 12 days course of PD and Spoken English. He is experienceful and full of good topics, thought, stories,etc. One thing which I like is that sir start the session with National Anthem. He is very very very focused to find solution not problem. I want to give Saurabh sir a big round of applause for his talent and for motiving me.
By: Vikas Nemani
I am Kamlesh Kasera - I am a builder. I belong to a normal family. In my business, I earned handsome money but my communication and other behavioral skills were not very appropriate. My tone of voice was a big concern for me. Anger, anxiety, etc. were very common. I heard about Pragya Institute. My age is 50 years. There was hesitation too before joining but this place like Dreams Comes True. It was never expected such an amazing center in Jaipur. Saurabh Sir Tussi Great Ho.
By: Builder Kamlesh Kasera
Saurabh sir is good motivation speaker. I am doing 12 days course of PD and Spoken English. He is experienceful and full of good topics, thought, stories,etc. One thing which I like is that sir start the session with National Anthem. He is very very very focused to find solution not problem. I want to give Saurabh sir a big round of applause for his talent and for motiving me.
By: Vikas Nemani
I am Kamlesh Kasera - I am a builder. I belong to a normal family. In my business, I earned handsome money but my communication and other behavioral skills were not very appropriate. My tone of voice was a big concern for me. Anger, anxiety, etc. were very common. I heard about Pragya Institute. My age is 50 years. There was hesitation too before joining but this place like Dreams Comes True. It was never expected such an amazing center in Jaipur. Saurabh Sir Tussi Great Ho.
By: Builder Kamlesh Kasera
Saurabh sir is good motivation speaker. I am doing 12 days course of PD and Spoken English. He is experienceful and full of good topics, thought, stories,etc. One thing which I like is that sir start the session with National Anthem. He is very very very focused to find solution not problem. I want to give Saurabh sir a big round of applause for his talent and for motiving me.
By: Vikas Nemani
We maintain small batch sizes to ensure personalized attention and complete handholding for every student. This one-on-one focus allows a deeper understanding of individual strengths and weaknesses, leading to customized skill development.
We understand the importance of individual attention and personalized guidance. That's why we maintain small batch sizes, allowing us to focus on each student and provide complete handholding to those who need it. You can be confident that you will receive the attention and support you need to succeed.
We maintain small batch sizes to ensure personalized attention and complete handholding for every student. This one-on-one focus allows a deeper understanding of individual strengths and weaknesses, leading to customized skill development.
We understand the importance of individual attention and personalized guidance. That's why we maintain small batch sizes, allowing us to focus on each student and provide complete handholding to those who need it. You can be confident that you will receive the attention and support you need to succeed.
Our courses focus on the root causes behind various challenges and provide sustainable solutions. We help students understand the cause-and-effect equation to address issues at their core, leading to long-lasting personal growth and development. This approach ensures that the improvements you make are long-lasting and have a lasting impact on your training effectiveness.
Our courses focus on the root causes behind various challenges and provide sustainable solutions. We help students understand the cause-and-effect equation to address issues at their core, leading to long-lasting personal growth and development. This approach ensures that the improvements you make are long-lasting and have a lasting impact on your training effectiveness.
Breaking the Mold of Traditional Education: Pragya Institute's Constant Review Drives Exceptional Learning Outcomes
Breaking the Mold of Traditional Education: Pragya Institute's Constant Review Drives Exceptional Learning Outcomes
At Pragya Institute, we not only focus on professional development but also celebrate life. We believe that personal growth and happiness are essential for overall success. Our program encourages self-discovery, confidence-building, and personal empowerment, enabling you to excel in your training career and live a fulfilling and joyful life. Pragya Award Night - A Night of Success: Honoring Excellence with Certificates at the Pragya Award Ceremony. At Bharat's Best Soft Skill Training Institute, we believe in celebrating life. We create a positive and vibrant learning environment where our students can grow, explore their potential, and enjoy the journey of self-improvement.
At Pragya Institute, we not only focus on professional development but also celebrate life. We believe that personal growth and happiness are essential for overall success. Our program encourages self-discovery, confidence-building, and personal empowerment, enabling you to excel in your training career and live a fulfilling and joyful life. Pragya Award Night - A Night of Success: Honoring Excellence with Certificates at the Pragya Award Ceremony. At Bharat's Best Soft Skill Training Institute, we believe in celebrating life. We create a positive and vibrant learning environment where our students can grow, explore their potential, and enjoy the journey of self-improvement.
From Classroom to Career: Pragya Institute's Placement Support Helps Our Students Land Their Dream Job/ Business
Don't miss the opportunity to transform your life and unlock your true potential. Join Pragya Institute of Personality Development today! Let us help you become a passionate professional and stand out. If you want to master your soft skills and stand out from the crowd, there's no better choice than the Pragya Institute of Personality Development.
We don't just produce freshers or professionals; we produce passionate professionals.
Remember, "जिसको बेस्ट बनना है, वो बेस्ट को ही चुनता है" (Those who want to be the best, choose the best).
By choosing the Pragya Institute of Personality Development for your Certified Personality & Soft Skill Development Course, you decide to transform your personal and professional growth. Our program will equip you with the skills, knowledge, and confidence to excel as a Charismatic Personality. Don't miss this opportunity to enhance your personality and become the best version of yourself. Enrol now and take the first step towards becoming the best in your field.
From Classroom to Career: Pragya Institute's Placement Support Helps Our Students Land Their Dream Job/ Business
Don't miss the opportunity to transform your life and unlock your true potential. Join Pragya Institute of Personality Development today! Let us help you become a passionate professional and stand out. If you want to master your soft skills and stand out from the crowd, there's no better choice than the Pragya Institute of Personality Development.
We don't just produce freshers or professionals; we produce passionate professionals.
Remember, "जिसको बेस्ट बनना है, वो बेस्ट को ही चुनता है" (Those who want to be the best, choose the best).
By choosing the Pragya Institute of Personality Development for your Certified Personality & Soft Skill Development Course, you decide to transform your personal and professional growth. Our program will equip you with the skills, knowledge, and confidence to excel as a Charismatic Personality. Don't miss this opportunity to enhance your personality and become the best version of yourself. Enrol now and take the first step towards becoming the best in your field.
What is the lock-in period?
As a fair business practice, the Pragya Institute of Personality Development offers a lock-in period. The lock-in period is a facility for the students, if due to some emergency and unavoidable reasons, any student takes a minimum of 5 days’ leave then the duration of the course will be extended.
T & C for Lock-in Period:
Applicable from immediate effect for all past, present, and future students.
What is the lock-in period?
As a fair business practice, the Pragya Institute of Personality Development offers a lock-in period. The lock-in period is a facility for the students, if due to some emergency and unavoidable reasons, any student takes a minimum of 5 days’ leave then the duration of the course will be extended.
T & C for Lock-in Period:
Applicable from immediate effect for all past, present, and future students.
It is not a matter whether we use the product, but after watching an advertisement or based on our knowledge about the product or service, we still recommend it to our peers. The question will remain the same. What do we get? The answer will remain the same: “Nothing”, but you will get a handsome amount of money if you recommend the Pragya Institute of Personality Development.
We offer top refer and earn policies to help you reap the most benefits, from cash rewards to exclusive discounts and free products.
It is not a matter whether we use the product, but after watching an advertisement or based on our knowledge about the product or service, we still recommend it to our peers. The question will remain the same. What do we get? The answer will remain the same: “Nothing”, but you will get a handsome amount of money if you recommend the Pragya Institute of Personality Development.
We offer top refer and earn policies to help you reap the most benefits, from cash rewards to exclusive discounts and free products.
Here is the eligibility criteria for the money-back guarantee:-
1) Attendance:- They should have at least 95% attendance.
2) Assignment completion:- They should complete at least 95% of Their assignments.
3) Constant Feedback reviewing mechanism:- They should improvise on all the constructive Feedback given to them and improve them.
If someone follows all three points and yet feels unsatisfied with his/her personal growth, we will hold full accountability and assure a 100% Money-Back Guarantee.
Conclusion: Through Self-Improvement and Personal Development, Embrace the Journey of Personal Growth: World-Class Curriculum, Training Methodology, Trainer, Infrastructure and Learning Environment at the Most Affordable Price.
Here is the eligibility criteria for the money-back guarantee:-
1) Attendance:- They should have at least 95% attendance.
2) Assignment completion:- They should complete at least 95% of Their assignments.
3) Constant Feedback reviewing mechanism:- They should improvise on all the constructive Feedback given to them and improve them.
If someone follows all three points and yet feels unsatisfied with his/her personal growth, we will hold full accountability and assure a 100% Money-Back Guarantee.
Conclusion: Through Self-Improvement and Personal Development, Embrace the Journey of Personal Growth: World-Class Curriculum, Training Methodology, Trainer, Infrastructure and Learning Environment at the Most Affordable Price.
Also known as
Also known as
Also known as
Ans. You will receive a certificate upon completion of the course.
Ans. You will receive a certificate upon completion of the course.
Ans. The language used by the trainer is a Hindi and English Mix. - According to the needs of the participants
Ans. The language used by the trainer is a Hindi and English Mix. - According to the needs of the participants
Ans. On courses longer than three months
Ans. On courses longer than three months
Ans. Yes, on courses for more than six months. If the candidate fulfils the terms and conditions. Like 95% above attendance, complete all assignments in a given time.
Ans. Yes, on courses for more than six months. If the candidate fulfils the terms and conditions. Like 95% above attendance, complete all assignments in a given time.
Ans. Customized Batch Plan - The benefit of our personality development class is our batches are tailor-made; for example, only kids are sanctioned in the kids’ batch.
Ans. Customized Batch Plan - The benefit of our personality development class is our batches are tailor-made; for example, only kids are sanctioned in the kids’ batch.