Today's Riddles.

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Yesterday's Riddles

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Welcome to the Pragya Institute of Personality Development, widely known as Excellence की पाठशाला, Kingdom of Wisdom & 360 Degree Growth Academy

We are awarded by 200+ eminent titles, and global media covered our stories as news headlines for our exemplary work in the fields of Soft Skills, Life Skills, Personality Development, & Digital Marketing.

We are not just promoting our institute. We have initiated a movement to change the lives of Millions of Bhartiya by creating awareness about the need for Interpersonal Skills so that we can create skilful and willful Bharat.


At Pragya Institute, we believe in Excellence that helps our students explore and unlock their true potential by recognizing their uniqueness.

Pragya Institute helps you identify your uniqueness, come out of your cocoon, flatter your wings, and fly high.

We help our students overcome mob mentality and, by developing their confidence and soft skills, finally allow them to stand out of the crowd.

So, if you want to master your Soft Skills, Nothing can be Better Than the Pragya Institute of Personality Development because "We don't produce Freshers, We Don't Produce Professionals, We Produce Passionate Professionals."

“जिसको बेस्ट बनना है, वो बेस्ट को ही चुनता है”

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